Sunday Services

Our weekly church service takes place on Sundays at 10.45am. It comes after Sunday School and a break for refreshments. The service lasts for about one hour. 

What sort of people are at Immanuel on Sundays?

All sorts of people. Young, old, men, women, teenagers, children. We come from all sorts of life-situations and backgrounds. We number about 180 in total.

Most are committed Christians, but every week we welcome a good number of folk looking into the Christian faith. If that's you do join in with as little or as much of the service as you want to. Also, there may be things about church that puzzle or intrigue you. If so, please ask someone what's going on! Here are a few pointers about what to expect if you join us on a Sunday...


What happens at your church?

We spend lots of time reading and listening to the Bible. Most Sundays we'll read a section from the Old Testament, the New Testament and a Psalm. And every week we have a talk helping us better understand the Bible. Why? Because we believe that the Bible brings us to know God. (For upcoming weekly bible readings see our termcard or calendar. For past sermons see our media section.)

Christian people also love to sing. We've got a glorious God and we love to lift our voices in praise of Him and to build up one another. We're grateful for gifted musicians who lead us. We sing a variety of hymns and songs. We enjoy new music. But we also believe that there are deep riches in the old hymns of Christ's church.

Because God is great and because we are small and sinful we need to pray. And so each week we spend time praying for forgiveness and help - both for ourselves, our local community, nation and world. And about once a month during our service we share the Lord's Supper, sometimes called Holy Communion.


What does your church service "feel" like?

That's a more difficult question to answer. However, here's what we want to do:

  • be God-centred: we want to take the focus off ourselves and fix our eyes on Jesus Christ.
  • be Bible-centred: we want to let God's Word set the agenda for all that we do.

What do you provide for children and young people during the service?

Age-specific groups and teaching takes place during Sunday School - from 9:30-10:15am each Sunday during term-time. During the church service itself we hope that whole families will learn to enjoy church together. For children there is a separate learning sheet available to help them make the most of the sermon. We don’t mind in the least that little ones make a bit of noise and wriggle around. But should they need a break there is a crèche nearby with toys and activities. A member of our children’s work team will show you where it is. You are welcome to leave your child there or remain with them.

Come near and listen - Mark 4:1-25
Andrew Grey, 16/02/2025
New Israel, New Family - Mark 3:7-35
Andrew Grey, 09/02/2025
Mercy and joy with Jesus- Mark 2:18-3:6
Gavin Wright, 02/02/2025
The one who cleans and forgives - Mark 1:40-2:17
Gavin Wright, 26/01/2025
The authority of Jesus - Mark 1:14-39
Gavin Wright, 19/01/2025
Our shepherd and our King - Mark 1:1-20
Andrew Grey, 12/01/2025
Living like we don't need Jesus? - Revelation 3:14-22
Will Trump, 05/01/2025
Happy with Jesus? - Luke 2:22-35
Will Trump, 29/12/2024
Mighty God, come to save - All Age Carol Service
Gavin Wright, 22/12/2024
He came to save his people: carol service message
Andrew Grey, 15/12/2024
The Return of Christ - Matthew 25:31-46
Andrew Grey, 15/12/2024
Why the Virgin Birth?
Andrew Grey, 08/12/2024
Covet, or content - Exodus 20:17
Gavin Wright, 01/12/2024
Truth and lies - Exodus 20:16
Gavin Wright, 24/11/2024
Work to give... don't steal - Exodus 20:15
Gavin Wright, 17/11/2024
Honour marriage - Exodus 20:14
Andrew Grey, 10/11/2024
Give life, hate murder - Exodus 20:13
Andrew Grey, 03/11/2024
Family matters - Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16
Andrew Grey, 27/10/2024
The Christian's sabbath - Exodus 20:8-11
Andrew Grey, 20/10/2024
Bearing the Lord's name - Exodus 20:7
Andrew Grey, 13/10/2024
In Christ - Colossians 3:1-4
, 06/10/2024
Pure worship - Exodus 20:4-6
Andrew Grey, 29/09/2024
No other gods - Exodus 20:3
Andrew Grey, 22/09/2024
How wide and high is God's mercy - Acts 10:34-11:18
Gavin Wright, 15/09/2024
Anyone is welcome - Acts 10:1-35
Andrew Grey, 08/09/2024
God's plan for growth - Acts 9:32-43
Rob Newham, 01/09/2024
Proclamation and persecution - Acts 9:19-31
Mark Cooper, 25/08/2024
Chosen to serve - Acts 9:1-19
Mark Smithers, 18/08/2024
An outsider is brought in -- Acts 8:26-40
Gavin Wright, 11/08/2024
Outcasts saved, Satan defeated - Acts 8:4-25
Andrew Grey, 04/08/2024
Christ's witnesses - Acts 7:54-8:4
, 28/07/2024
King among the kings - Daniel 11:36-12:13
Andrew Grey, 21/07/2024
Refined by conflict - Daniel 11:2-35
Andrew Grey, 14/07/2024
Greatest need, only saviour - Mark 2:1-17
Andrew Grey, 07/07/2024
Weakness, strength and prayer - Daniel 10:1-21
Gavin Wright, 30/06/2024
Faithfulness and prayer - Daniel 9:1-27
Gavin Wright, 23/06/2024
The Lord of history - Daniel 8:1-27
Andrew Grey, 16/06/2024
Who is the King and the Judge? - Daniel 7:1-28
Dave Riisnaes, 09/06/2024
Seeking God... and the lions den - Daniel 6:1-28
Andrew Grey, 02/06/2024
An unrepentant king destroyed - Daniel 5
Andrew Grey, 26/05/2024
The meaning of baptism - Matthew 28:18-20
Andrew Grey, 19/05/2024
A proud king, saved - Daniel 4:1-37
Andrew Grey, 12/05/2024
Faithful unto death - Daniel 3:1-30
Gavin Wright, 05/05/2024
The King of kings - Daniel 2:1-49
Gavin Wright, 28/04/2024
Life in Babylon - Daniel 1:1-21
Gavin Wright, 21/04/2024
Essentials: the glory of God
Andrew Grey, 14/04/2024
Essentials: Faith
Andrew Grey, 07/04/2024
Essentials: Grace
Andrew Grey, 31/03/2024
Essentials: Christ
Andrew Grey, 24/03/2024
Essentials: the Bible
Andrew Grey, 17/03/2024
Works of love - 1 Corinthians 16:1-24
Andrew Grey, 10/03/2024
Victor over death - 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
Gavin Wright, 03/03/2024
Resurrection body - 1 Corinthians 15:35-49
Gavin Wright, 25/02/2024
God, why can't you make yourself more obvious?
Will Trump, 18/02/2024
Joined to our risen Saviour - 1 Corinthians 15:20-34
Gavin Wright, 11/02/2024
Christ really has been raised - 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Gavin Wright, 04/02/2024
Hold fast to the Gospel - 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Gavin Wright, 28/01/2024
Worship the pleases the Lord - 1 Corinthians 14:26-40
Andrew Grey, 21/01/2024
Words of truth that bless the unbeliever - 1 Corinthians 14:20-25
Andrew Grey, 14/01/2024
Words of love that edify - 1 Corinthians 14:1-19
Andrew Grey, 07/01/2024
Don't be a fool - Luke 12:13-21
Will Trump, 31/12/2023
How can we know God?
Andrew Grey, 17/12/2023
Love that lasts - 1 Corinthians 13:7-13
Gavin Wright, 10/12/2023
A church that loves - 1 Corinthians 13:1-7
Gavin Wright, 03/12/2023
God's plan for the body - 1 Corinthians 12:27-31
Andrew Grey, 26/11/2023
The body of Christ - 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
Andrew Grey, 19/11/2023
God gives gifts for the church - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
Andrew Grey, 12/11/2023
The Spirit and the Christian - 1 Corinthians 12:1-3
Andrew Grey, 05/11/2023
How should we eat and drink - 1 Corinthians 11:27-29
Andrew Grey, 29/10/2023
The most beautiful place on earth - Acts 2:42-47
Will Trump, 22/10/2023
Love and the Lord's Supper - 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
Gavin Wright, 15/10/2023
Men and women who honour their head - 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
Andrew Grey, 08/10/2023
Jesus the head of all - 1 Corinthians 11:2-3
Andrew Grey, 01/10/2023
Remember Jesus Christ - 2 Timothy 2:8-13
David Thomas, 24/09/2023
The church's worship: WHAT do we do?
Andrew Grey, 17/09/2023
The church's worship: WHY do we gather?
Andrew Grey, 10/09/2023
The church's worship: WHO should gather?
Andrew Grey, 03/09/2023
Luke 5:33-39 Jesus, bringer of joy
Gavin Wright, 27/08/2023
Luke 5:27-32 Feasting with Jesus
Mark Smithers, 20/08/2023
Luke 5:1-11 - Follow Jesus
Will Trump, 06/08/2023
Luke 5:12-26 - Our Greatest Problem
Steve, 13/08/2023
Luke 4:31-44 Jesus' power and authority
Alan Witchalls, 30/07/2023
Luke 4:14-30 - Jesus preached the Gospel
Andrew Grey, 23/07/2023
Freedom and saying "no" - 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1
Andrew Grey, 16/07/2023
Freedom and the demons - 1 Corinthians 10:14-22
Andrew Grey, 09/07/2023
Freedom and temptation - 1 Corinthians 10:1-14
Andrew Grey, 02/07/2023
Freedom and the Christian's prize
Andrew Grey, 25/06/2023
Freedom and evangelism - 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Andrew Grey, 18/06/2023
Freedom and slavery - 1 Corinthians 9:15-18
Andrew Grey, 11/06/2023
Freedom and the apostle - 1 Corinthians 9:1-14
Dave Riisnaes, 04/06/2023
Freedom and love - 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
Andrew Grey, 28/05/2023
Remember, reign and restore - Lamentations 5
Gavin Wright, 21/05/2023
Humbled in order to hope - Lamentations 4:1-22
Gavin Wright, 14/05/2023
Remember mercy - Lamentations 3:1-66
Gavin Wright, 07/05/2023
Wrath and anguish - Lamentations 2:1-22
Gavin Wright, 30/04/2023
The weight of sin - Lamentations 1:1-22
Gavin Wright, 23/04/2023
The Ascension of Christ - Acts 1:1-11
Andrew Grey, 16/04/2023
Resurrection: glorious hope - Luke 24:36-53
Mark Smithers, 09/04/2023
Resurrection: knowing Jesus - Luke 24:13-35
Resurrection: believe the Word! Luke 24:1-12
Will Trump, 26/03/2023
Devoted to Christ - 1 Corinthians 7:25-40
Andrew Grey, 19/03/2023
Content with God - 1 Corinthians 7:10-24
Andrew Grey, 12/03/2023
Glorify God with your body - 1 Corinthians 7:1-9
Andrew Grey, 05/03/2023
Your body matters - 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Andrew Grey, 26/02/2023
Words of the wise - Proverbs 26:17-27:6
Gavin Wright, 19/02/2023
Words matter - Proverbs 12:12-23
Gavin Wright, 12/02/2023
What some of you WERE - 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Andrew Grey, 05/02/2023
What do you do when Christians argue? - 1 Corinthians 6:1-8
Gavin Wright, 29/01/2023
What do you do with sin in Jesus' church? - 1 Corinthians 5:1-13
Rob Hudson, 22/01/2023
Assurance 2: What do I do when I'm not sure?
Andrew Grey, 15/01/2023
Assurance 1: Why do Christians struggle for assurance?
Andrew Grey, 08/01/2023
Jesus came to destroy the devil - 1 John 3:8
Andrew Grey, 18/12/2022
Made God's children - John 1:11-12
Andrew Grey, 11/12/2022
Jesus is coming back - 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12
Walking the way of the Cross - 1 Corinthians 4:8-21
Dave Riisnaes, 27/11/2022
Servants and stewards - 1 Corinthians 4:1-7
Mark Smithers, 20/11/2022
Careful church building - 1 Corinthians 3:10-23
Andrew Grey, 13/11/2022
Growing up - 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Andrew Grey, 06/11/2022
Pentecost: Jesus the Lord - Acts 2:22-41
Will Trump, 30/10/2022
Pentecost: what happened? - Acts 2:1-21
Will Trump, 23/10/2022
The Spirit at work - 1 Corinthians 2:6-16
Andrew Grey, 16/10/2022
Strength in weakness - 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Andrew Grey, 09/10/2022
Pride and boasting - 1 Corinthians 1:26-31
Andrew Grey, 02/10/2022
Foolish wisdom - 1 Corinthians 1:18-25
Andrew Grey, 25/09/2022
United by the Gospel? - 1 Corinthians 1:10-17
Andrew Grey, 18/09/2022
God's church in Corinth - 1 Corinthians 1:1-9
Andrew Grey, 11/09/2022
Our kinsman redeemer - Ruth 4:1-22
Malcolm Peters, 04/09/2022
A loving saviour - Ruth 3:1-18
Malcolm Peters, 28/08/2022
The Sovereign Care of God - Ruth 2
Malcolm Peters, 21/08/2022
Trusting God's sovereignty when life goes wrong
Malcolm Peters,
Come receive forgiveness - Psalm 32
Andrew Grey, 07/08/2022
Come sing with Jesus - Psalm 145
Andrew Grey, 31/07/2022
Come and praise Him - Psalm 95
Andrew Grey, 24/07/2022
Following Jesus: Money and contentment - 1 Timothy 6:6-19
Andrew Grey, 17/07/2022
Serving Christ at Work - Ephesians 6:5-9
Matt Evans, 10/07/2022
God's heart for the lost - Jonah 4:1-11
Gavin Wright, 03/07/2022
Repentance and mercy - Jonah 3:1-10
Gavin Wright, 26/06/2022
Salvation belongs to the Lord - Jonah 2:1-10
Gavin Wright, 19/06/2022
God's will WILL be done - Jonah 1:1-17
Gavin Wright, 12/06/2022
How to glorify God in your body - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Romans 6:6-14
Andrew Grey, 05/06/2022
Created to glorify God in your body - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Andrew Grey, 29/05/2022
Trusting the King who's stronger than death and sin - Mark 5:21-43
Mark Smithers, 22/05/2022
Trusting the King who's stronger than evil - Mark 5:1-20
Will Trump, 15/05/2022
Trusting the King who commands every storm - Mark 4:35-41
Alan Witchalls, 08/05/2022
The King we cry to - Psalm 25
Andrew Grey, 01/05/2022
The Holy King - Psalm 24
Andrew Grey, 24/04/2022
The Shepherd King - Psalm 23
Gavin Wright, 17/04/2022
The Forsaken King - Psalm 22
Gavin Wright, 10/04/2022
Following Jesus: Evangelism - Colossians 4:2-6
Andrew Grey, 03/04/2022
Following Jesus: Guidance and decisions - Matthew 6:25-34
Andrew Grey, 27/03/2022
Following Jesus: Growth - Luke 10:38-42
Andrew Grey, 20/03/2022
Following Jesus: Holiness - Hebrews 11:24-27
Andrew Grey, 13/03/2022
A humble church beneath God's hand - 1 Peter 5:1-14
Will Trump, 06/03/2022
Entrust yourself to the Lord - 1 Peter 4vv1-19
Dave Riisnaes, 27/02/2022
Suffering for Jesus - 1 Peter 3:8-22
Andrew Grey, 20/02/2022
Husbands, wives and the Cross - 1 Peter 2:21-3:7
Andrew Grey, 13/02/2022
Godly exiles: authority and submission - 1 Peter 2:9-25
Gavin Wright, 06/02/2022
New love, new calling - 1 Peter 1:22-2:10
Andrew Grey, 30/01/2022
Filling your mind - 1 Peter 1:13-21
Andrew Grey, 23/01/2022
A blessed people - 1 Peter 1:3-12
Gavin Wright, 16/01/2022
Chosen strangers - 1 Peter 1:1-2
Andrew Grey, 09/01/2022
Son of God - Luke 2:40-52
Steve, 02/01/2022
Seeing the Saviour - Luke 2:21-39
Steve, 26/12/2021
The Lord remembers - Luke 1:57-80
Gavin Wright, 12/12/2021
I will magnify the Lord - Luke 1:39-56
Gavin Wright, 05/12/2021
Christmas faithfulness - Luke 1:1-38
Andrew Grey, 28/11/2021
Covenant blessings and curses - Leviticus 26:1-27:34
Dave Riisnaes, 21/11/2021
Leviticus question time
Andrew Grey, 14/11/2021
Holiness: meeting with the Lord - Leviticus 23:1-25:55
Andrew Grey, 14/11/2021
Holiness: like the Lord - Leviticus 17:1-22:33
Andrew Grey, 07/11/2021
Day of atonement - Leviticus 16:1-34
Gavin Wright, 31/10/2021
The body and the blood - Leviticus 12:1-15:33
Andrew Grey, 24/10/2021
Devoted to the Lord: learning from the animals - Leviticus 11:1-47
Andrew Grey, 17/10/2021
Our God is a consuming fire - Leviticus 10:1-20
Andrew Grey, 10/10/2021
Joy and awe in worship - Leviticus 9:1-24
Andrew Grey, 03/10/2021
James 1:13-18
Andrew Bellis, 26/09/2021
Basics 3: Family
Gavin Wright, 19/09/2021
Basics 2: Prayer
Basics 1: Evangelism - Haggai 1
Malcolm Peters, 05/09/2021
Kept from stumbling - Jude 1:17-25
David Khoo, 29/08/2021
Contend for the faith - Jude 1:1-16
James Green, 22/08/2021
3 John - no greater joy
Andrew Grey, 15/08/2021
2 John - truth and love
Mark Cooper, 08/08/2021
Philemon - brotherly love
Andrew Grey, 01/08/2021
Our representative before God - Leviticus 8:1-36
Dave Riisnaes, 25/07/2021
The Ultimate Payback - Leviticus 5:14 - 6:7
Gavin Wright,
The purification offering - Leviticus 4:1 - 5:13
Andrew Grey,
Come and eat - Leviticus 3:1-17
Andrew Grey, 27/06/2021
Bring a gift - Leviticus 2:1-16
Andrew Grey, 20/06/2021
Ascending to God - Leviticus 1:1-17
Andrew Grey, 13/06/2021
God's house - Leviticus 1:1-2
Andrew Grey,
Love the church - 1 John 3:11-18
Gavin Wright, 30/05/2021
Love the Lord - Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Gavin Wright, 23/05/2021
Lead us not into temptation - Matthew 6:13
Malcolm Peters, 16/05/2021
Forgive us our debts, as we forgive - Matthew 6:12
Andrew Grey, 09/05/2021
Give us today our daily bread - Matthew 6:11
Gavin Wright, 02/05/2021
Your kingdom, your will - Matthew 6:10
Gavin Wright, 25/04/2021
Hallowed by your name - Matthew 6:9b
Andrew Grey, 18/04/2021
Our Father - Matthew 6:9
Andrew Grey, 11/04/2021
Certain resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15:1-19
Gavin Wright, 04/04/2021
He will get us home - Genesis 49:28-50:26
Steve, 28/03/2021
The shepherd of our lives - Genesis 48:1-49:28
Will Trump, 21/03/2021
At home with the Lord - Genesis 46:28-47:31.mp3
Andrew Grey, 14/03/2021
Our greatest need - Mark 2:1-12
Mark Smithers,
Content with the Lord's presence - Genesis 45:16-46:27
Andrew Grey, 28/02/2021
Growing and showing holiness - Genesis 44:1-45:15
Andrew Grey, 21/02/2021
God at work in our hearts and our history - Genesis 42-43
Rob Hudson, 14/02/2021
Faithful and fruitful in affliction - Genesis 40-41
Gavin Wright, 07/02/2021
God's providence and presence - Genesis 39:1-23
Gavin Wright, 31/01/2021
Judah's sin - Genesis 38:1-30
Gavin Wright, 24/01/2021
You intended to harm me - Genesis 37:1-36
Gavin Wright, 17/01/2021
Esau: marriage and greed - Genesis 36:1-43
Andrew Grey, 10/01/2021
Trained for holiness - Hebrews 12:3-17
James Green, 03/01/2021
Looking to Jesus - Hebrews 12:1-2
Carl Porter, 27/12/2020
Jesus came, to serve and to die - Mark 10:45
Gavin Wright, 20/12/2020
Jesus came, to destroy the works of the devil - 1 John 3:8
Andrew Grey, 13/12/2020
Providence: Question time
Andrew Grey, 06/12/2020
Providence 6: Comfort for the fearful - Luke 12:22-34
Andrew Grey, 06/12/2020
Providence 5: God's purpose in afflictions - 1 Peter 1:3-7
Andrew Grey, 29/11/2020
Providence 4: Suffering and repentance - Luke 13:1-5
Andrew Grey, 22/11/2020
Providence 3: Our afflictions - Job 1:1-22
Andrew Grey, 15/11/2020
Providence 2: Our hearts - John 3:7-8
Andrew Grey, 08/11/2020
Providence 1: All things - Ephesians 1:11
Andrew Grey, 01/11/2020
Go make disciples - Matthew 28:16-20
Alan Witchalls, 25/10/2020
Resurrection reassurance - Matthew 27:57-28:15
Mike Walton, 18/10/2020
The victory of the Cross - Matthew 27:27-56
Gavin Wright, 11/10/2020
The innocent and the guilty - Matthew 27:1-26
Gavin Wright, 04/10/2020
Jesus in charge - Matthew 26: 47-75
Gavin Wright, 27/09/2020
Perfect Obedience - Matthew 26:30-46
Gavin Wright, 20/09/2020
The Cross and the Covenant - Matthew 26:17-29
Andrew Grey, 13/09/2020
The precious death of Jesus - Matthew 26:1-16
Andrew Grey, 06/09/2020
Return to the Lord - fear and serve Him now - Malachi 3:13-4:6
Malcolm Peters, 30/08/2020
Return to the Lord - and he will return to you - Malachi 3:6-12
Gavin Wright, 23/08/2020
Return to the Lord - who is coming purify and to judge - Malachi 2:17-3:5
Dave Riisnaes, 16/08/2020
Return to the Lord - worship Him in your relationships - Malachi 2:10-16
James Green, 09/08/2020
Return to the Lord - who desires a faithful priesthood - Malachi 2:1-9
Mark Smithers, 02/08/2020
Return to the Lord - whose name is to be feared - Malachi 1:6-14
Will Trump, 26/07/2020
Return to the Lord - who has chosen to love you - Malachi 1:1-5
Andrew Grey, 19/07/2020
Jesus' words of welcome and warning - Matthew 25:31-46
Andrew Grey, 12/07/2020
Jesus' words about being ready - Matthew 24:45-25:30
Andrew Grey, 05/07/2020
Jesus words about that Day of Judgement - Matthew 24:36-44
Andrew Grey, 28/06/2020
Jesus words about the End of the Temple - Matthew 24:3-35
Andrew Grey, 21/06/2020
Hypocrisy and the judgement of God - Matthew 23:13-24:2
Gavin Wright, 14/06/2020
Hypocrisy and the glory of God - Matthew 23:1-12
Gavin Wright, 07/06/2020
Questions about love - Matthew 22:15-46
Gavin Wright, 31/05/2020
The wedding feast - Matthew 22:1-14
Andrew Grey, 24/05/2020
The fruit that Jesus seeks - Matthew 21:23-46
Gavin Wright, 17/05/2020
King and judge - Matthew 21:1-22
Andrew Grey, 10/05/2020
Serving saviour, serving followers - Matthew 20:17-34
Rob Hudson, 03/05/2020
How Jesus treats his servants - Matthew 20:1-16
Andrew Grey, 26/04/2020
Our help in ages past - Psalm 90
Gavin Wright, 19/04/2020
Resurrection challenge & hope - Luke 24:36-49
Gavin Wright, 12/04/2020
Salvation made possible - Matthew 19:16-30
Gavin Wright, 05/04/2020
Denying self in marriage - Matthew 19:1-15
Andrew Grey, 29/03/2020
Jesus' church: overflowing forgiveness - Matthew 18:21-35
Andrew Grey, 22/03/2020
Jesus' church: love that disciplines - Matthew 18:15-20
Andrew Grey, 15/03/2020
Jesus' church: humility and love - Matthew 18:1-14
Andrew Grey, 08/03/2020
Jesus the sufficient saviour - Matthew 17:14-27
Gavin Wright, 01/03/2020
The glorious authority of Jesus - Matthew 17:1-13
Andrew Grey, 23/02/2020
No Christian without a Cross - Matthew 16:21-28
James Green, 16/02/2020
Who do YOU say Jesus is? Matthew 16:1-20
David Riisnaes,
Salvation that satisfies - Matthew 15:21-39
Andrew Grey, 02/02/2020
Clean my heart: I cannot save myself - Matthew 15:10-20
Andrew Grey, 26/01/2020
Clean my heart: I want to love your law - Matthew 15:1-9
Andrew Grey, 19/01/2020
Rescuing the weak in faith - Matthew 14:13-36
Gavin Wright, 12/01/2020
Evidence and repentance - Matthew 13:53-14:13
Gavin Wright, 05/01/2020
New year hope: For He is our God - Psalm 95
Andrew Grey, 29/12/2019
Carol Service: Children of God - John 1:11-12
Andrew Grey, 22/12/2019
Church: mission - Psalm 67
Gavin Wright, 22/12/2019
All Age Carols: Jesus makes God known - 1 John 1:1-4
Gavin Wright, 15/12/2019
Church: membership - 1 Corinthians 12:12-31
Andrew Grey, 08/12/2019
Church: giving and money - 2 Corinthians 8:1-15
Andrew Grey, 01/12/2019
Going to war with Christ - Ephesians 6:10-24
Andrew Grey, 24/11/2019
Serving Christ at home and work - Ephesians 6:1-9
Alan Witchalls, 17/11/2019
Displaying Christ in marriage - Ephesians 5:21-33
Gavin Wright, 10/11/2019
Walking with Jesus in a dark world - Ephesians 5:3-20
Andrew Grey, 03/11/2019
Knowing Jesus, growing in holiness - Ephesians 4:17-5:2
Mike Walton, 27/10/2019
Church united - Ephesians 4:1-16
Gavin Wright, 20/10/2019
Praying for power in the church - Ephesians 3:14-21
Gavin Wright, 13/10/2019
God's grace revealed to the church - Ephesians 3:1-13
Gavin Wright, 06/10/2019
Jesus' united church - Ephesians 2:11-22
Andrew Grey, 29/09/2019
Salvation and certainty - Ephesians 2:1-10
Andrew Grey, 22/09/2019
Knowing God - Ephesians 1:15-23
Andrew Grey, 15/09/2019
Secure in Christ - Ephesians 1:1-14
Andrew Grey, 08/09/2019
What difference does it make if Jesus loves me? - Ephesians 5:25-33
Andrew Grey, 01/09/2019
Gideon: sinful comprise - Judges 8:1-35
Gavin Wright, 25/08/2019
The Saving Grace of a Mighty God - Judges 7
Mark Cooper, 18/08/2019
Obeying God - Judges 6:25-40
Kevin Gilderson, 11/08/2019
Gideon: holiness and grace - Judges 6:1-24
James Green, 04/08/2019
Treasuring the King - Matthew 13:44-52
Mark Smithers, 28/07/2019
What should we expect in the kingdom of God - Matthew 13:24-43
Andrew Grey, 21/07/2019
The word of the kingdom: hearing and sowing - Matthew 13:1-23
Will Trump, 14/07/2019
Rejecting and following Jesus: the consequences - Matthew 12:38-50
Andrew Grey, 07/07/2019
Confessing faith in the King - Matthew 12:22-37
Dave Riisnaes,
Man-made religion and the gracious saviour of the weak - Matthew 12:1-21
Andrew Grey, 23/06/2019
Unbearable judgement or perfect rest - Matthew 11:20-30
Andrew Grey, 16/06/2019
The kingdom: advancing and opposed - Matthew 11:1-19
Andrew Grey, 09/06/2019
Suffering with Jesus, for Jesus - Matthew 10:24-42
Andrew Grey, 02/06/2019
Sheep among wolves - Matthew 10:1-23
Andrew Grey, 26/05/2019
The power and compassion of the King - Matthew 9:18-34
Gavin Wright, 19/05/2019
Forgiveness and joy through the king - Matthew 9:1-17
Gavin Wright, 12/05/2019
Your life and death in Jesus' hands - Matthew 8:18-34
Gavin Wright, 05/05/2019
King over death and sin - Matthew 8:1-17
Andrew Grey, 28/04/2019
Easter Sunday - Acts 17:16-34
Andrew Grey, 21/04/2019
Good Friday - Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Andrew Grey, 19/04/2019
Two paths, two teachers, two foundations - one choice - Matthew 7:12-29
Gavin Wright, 14/04/2019
Showing and seeking God's grace - Matthew 7:1-11
James Green, 07/04/2019
Seeking and serving our Father - Matthew 6:19-34
Andrew Grey, 31/03/2019
Giving, praying, fasting - Matthew 6:1-18
Andrew Grey, 24/03/2019
Gathered worship: WHAT are we to do?
Andrew Grey, 17/03/2019
Gathered worship: WHY do we go to church?
Andrew Grey, 10/03/2019
Gathered worship: WHO should be there?
Gavin Wright, 03/03/2019
Relationships in the kingdom: truth, peace and love - Matthew 5:33-48
Andrew Grey, 24/02/2019
Keeping God's Law - Matthew 5:17-32
Gavin Wright, 17/02/2019
The Blessed Life - Matthew 5:1-17
Alan Witchalls, 10/02/2019
The wonderful rule of King Jesus - Matthew 4:12-25
Andrew Grey, 03/02/2019
The mercy and obedience of Christ - Matthew 3:13-4:11
Andrew Grey, 27/01/2019
Repenting to Jesus - Matthew 3:1-12
Andrew Grey, 20/01/2019
Worshipping and obeying the Christ - Matthew 1:18-2:23
Gavin Wright, 13/01/2019
The faithfulness that provides God's king - Matthew 1:1-17
Gavin Wright, 06/01/2019
New Year Hope - Luke 2:22-32
Abe Samuel, 30/12/2018
Christmas Morning - Luke 1:26-38
Andrew Grey, 25/12/2018
Carol Service - Mark 10:45
Gavin Wright, 23/12/2018
All Age Carols - Matthew 1:23
Andrew Grey, 23/12/2018
Rescue and remembering - Esther 8:1-10:3
Gavin Wright, 16/12/2018
The Lord's faithful, unseen hand - Esther 5:1-8:2
James Green, 09/12/2018
Risk-taking faith in a trustworthy God - Esther 4
William Trump, 02/12/2018
The hatred of the world - Esther 3:1-15
Gavin Wright, 25/11/2018
Weak Christians and Powerful Kings - Esther 1:1-2:23
Gavin Wright, 18/11/2018
So follow the Lamb - Revelation 22:6-21
Andrew Grey, 11/11/2018
Jesus and His people - Revelation 21:1-22:5
Andrew Grey, 04/11/2018
The victory of the church - Revelation 20:1-15
Andrew Grey, 28/10/2018
Christ the Victor - Revelation 19:11-21
Andrew Grey, 21/10/2018
Looking forward to the marriage of the Lamb - Revelation 19:6-10
Andrew Grey, 14/10/2018
Rejoice! The world city defeated - Revelation 18:1-19:6
Matthew Roberts, 07/10/2018
Compromise: pressure and seduction - Revelation 17:1-18
Lee McMunn, 30/09/2018
The final judgement - Revelation 15:5-16:21
Gavin Wright, 23/09/2018
Final judgement: a call to keep going - Revelation 14:6-15:4
Andrew Grey, 16/09/2018
Satan's beasts and the church's safety - Revelation 13:1-14:5
Andrew Grey, 09/09/2018
Satan the dragon - Revelation 12:1-17
Andrew Grey, 02/09/2018
Praying for others - Psalm 67
Abe Samuel, 26/08/2018
Praying for pardon and peace - Psalm 86
Kevin Gilderson, 19/08/2018
Thankful Prayer - Psalm 92
David Khoo, 12/08/2018
Confessing Sin - Psalm 51
Carl Porter, 05/08/2018
Praying in adoration - Psalm 104
James Green, 29/07/2018
Christ's kingdom and judgement - Revelation 11:15-19
Andrew Grey, 22/07/2018
The story of the church - Revelation 10:1-11:14
Andrew Grey, 15/07/2018
The world: under God's judgement now - Revelation 8:6-9:21
Andrew Grey, 08/07/2018
The church: protected and worshipping- Revelation 7:1-8:5
Andrew Grey, 01/07/2018
Waiting for God's judgement - Revelation 6:1-17
Andrew Grey, 24/06/2018
Worthy is the Lamb - Revelation 5:1-14
Chris Carrier, 17/06/2018
Worshipping at the throne - Revelation 4:1-11
Andrew Grey, 10/06/2018
A church which trusts in itself - Revelation 3:14-22
Mark Smithers, 03/06/2018
A church that's weak but faithful - Revelation 3:7-13
Gavin Wright, 27/05/2018
A church that's impressive but dying - Revelation 3:1-6
Andrew Brooks, 20/05/2018
A church that tolerated sin - Revelation 2:18-29
Gavin Wright, 13/05/2018
A church that's polluted - Revelation 2:12-17
Andrew Grey, 06/05/2018
A church that's faithful unto death - Revelation 2:8-11
Andrew Grey, 29/04/2018
A church that loves Jesus - Revelation 2:1-7
Andrew Grey, 22/04/2018
The risen and returning Jesus - Revelation 1:1-20
Gavin Wright, 15/04/2018
Resurrection hope - 1 Corinthians 15:12-26
Gavin Wright, 15/04/2018
Make disciples - Matthew 28:16-20
Andrew Grey, 01/04/2018
Ageing, dying and trusting Christ - Ecclesiastes 12:1-14
Matt Evans, 25/03/2018
Trusting God with time - Ecclesiastes 3:1-17
Andrew Grey, 18/03/2018
Why does work hurt? - Ecclesiastes 2:18-26
Andrew Grey, 11/03/2018
Wisdom, pleasure and death - Ecclesiastes 1:16-2:17
Andrew Grey, 04/03/2018
Why vanity? - Ecclesiastes 1:12-15
Gavin Wright, 25/02/2018
Life in a world of vanity - Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
Gavin Wright, 18/02/2018
The Gospel: Conversion - John 2:23-3:6
Gavin Wright, 11/02/2018
The Gospel: Jesus' resurrection - Acts 17vv16-34
Andrew Grey, 04/02/2018
The Gospel: the Cross of Christ - John 3:16
Wes Illingworth, 28/01/2018
The Gospel: God is our holy judge - Luke 16:19-31
Gavin Wright, 21/01/2018
The Gospel: we are all sinful - Romans 3:10-12
Andrew Grey, 14/01/2018
The Gospel: we are creatures - Revelation 4:11
Gavin Wright, 07/01/2018
Satan and the Saviour - Revelation 12:1-12
Andrew Grey, 31/12/2017
Christmas Day - Philippians 2:9-11
Gavin Wright, 25/12/2017
The waters of God's Spirit - Ezekiel 47:1-12
Andrew Grey, 24/12/2017
King Herod lives within! Carol service talk - Matthew 2:1-20
Andrew Grey, 17/12/2017
The walls of God's holiness - Ezekiel 43:1-12
Andrew Grey, 17/12/2017
Death and resurrection - Ezekiel 37:1-14
Chris Carrier, 10/12/2017
Saved by the true shepherd - Ezekiel 34:1-31
Gavin Wright, 03/12/2017
Coming judgement: it's right and real - Ezekiel 24:15-27
Andrew Grey, 26/11/2017
God's love for spiritual adulterers - Ezekiel 16:1-63
Andrew Grey, 19/11/2017
New hearts: what God does inside his people - Ezekiel 11:14-25
Andrew Grey, 12/11/2017
When God abandons his people - Ezekiel 10:1-20, 11:1-13
Andrew Grey, 05/11/2017
The Lord is a jealous God - Ezekiel 8:1-9:11
Gavin Wright, 29/10/2017
God's judgement and Christ's Cross - Ezekiel 5:5-17
Gavin Wright, 22/10/2017
Should we fear God's judgement? - Ezekiel 3:22-5:4
Gavin Wright, 15/10/2017
Commissioned by a glorious God - Ezekiel 2:1-3:21
David Thomas, 08/10/2017
Seeing the glory of God - Ezekiel 1:1-28
Andrew Grey, 01/10/2017
Committed: to Loving one another - Acts 2:42-47
Andrew Grey, 24/09/2017
Committed: to Church - 1 Corinthians 12:12-31
Andrew Grey, 17/09/2017
Committed: to the Bible - Ephesians 4:11-16
Andrew Grey, 10/09/2017
Committed: to Jesus - Mark 8:27-38
Andrew Grey, 03/09/2017
When faced with terrible evil - Psalm 137
Gavin Wright, 27/08/2017
When the darkness doesn't lift - Psalm 88
Chris Carrier, 20/08/2017
Lamenting when the church is hurting - Psalm 80
Abe Samuel, 13/08/2017
The joy of honest confession - Psalm 32
Andrew Grey, 06/08/2017
Learning to lament - Psalm 6
Andrew Brooks, 30/07/2017
Loyalty and betrayal - 2 Timothy 4:9-22
Andrew Grey, 23/07/2017
Preach the Word - 2 Timothy 4:1-8
Gavin Wright, 16/07/2017
The Bible works - 2 Timothy 3:10-17
Gavin Wright, 09/07/2017
Ministry in difficult times - 2 Timothy 3:1-9
Andrew Grey, 02/07/2017
The approved and useful workman - 2 Timothy 2:14-26
Andrew Grey, 25/06/2017
Gospel suffering and gospel glory - 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Kevin Gilderson, 18/06/2017
Suffer for the Gospel - 2 Timothy 1:8-18
Matt Evans, 11/06/2017
Resurrection life - 2 Timothy 1:1-7
Gavin Wright, 04/06/2017
Reforming the church - God's glory alone - Exodus 33:7-34:9
Andrew Grey, 28/05/2017
Reforming the church - Faith Alone - Romans 4:19-25, 6:1-4
Andrew Grey, 21/05/2017
Reforming the church - Grace Alone - Ephesians 2:1-10
Andrew Grey, 14/05/2017
Reforming the church - Christ Alone - Ephesians 1:1-14
Andrew Grey, 07/05/2017
Reforming the church - Scripture Alone - Mark 7:1-23
Andrew Grey, 30/04/2017
Love Jesus, feed his sheep - John 21:1-25
Andrew Grey, 23/04/2017
Jesus raised - John 20:1-31
Andrew Grey, 16/04/2017
Jesus killed - John 19:17-42
Gary Clark, 09/04/2017
Jesus on trial - John 18:28-19:16
David Banting, 02/04/2017
Jesus in control of his arrest - John 18:1-27
Gavin Wright, 26/03/2017
Real Christian Unity - John 17:20-26
Gavin Wright, 19/03/2017
Jesus prays for his glory, and his people's keeping - John 17:1-19
Gavin Wright, 12/03/2017
How Jesus comforts his people - John 16:16-33
Rob Hudson, 05/03/2017
God's Mission Impossible - Acts 9:1-19
Mike Reith, 26/02/2017
Why it's good that Jesus went away - John 16:4b-15
Gavin Wright, 19/02/2017
Jesus's friends expect to be hated - John 15:18 - 16:4
Gavin Wright, 12/02/2017
God's people becoming fruitful - John 15:1-17
David Banting, 05/02/2017
Our Comforting God - John 14:15-31
Abe Samuel, 29/01/2017
Is Jesus really the only way to God?
Gavin Wright, 22/01/2017
Jesus's moment of glory - John 13:31 - 14:4
Gavin Wright, 15/01/2017
How Jesus loves his people - John 13 v1-30
Gavin Wright, 08/01/2017
How will I continue with Jesus in 2017 - Hebrews 10:19-25
Andrew Grey, 01/01/2017
Hope at Christmas - Isaiah 40:1-5
Gavin Wright, 25/12/2016
He'll save his people from their sins - Genesis 3:1-6
Andrew Grey, 18/12/2016
Darkness and death at Christmas - Isaiah 9:1-7
Andrew Grey, 18/12/2016
Living for Jesus among outsiders - Colossians 4:2-6
Gavin Wright, 11/12/2016
Jesus the Lord of marriage, family and work - Colossians 3:17-4:1
Gavin Wright, 04/12/2016
Killing sin, putting on Christ - Colossians 3:5-17
Andrew Grey, 27/11/2016
If you're there God can't you make yourself clearer? - John 1:1-18
Andrew Grey, 20/11/2016
How do I grow as a Christian? - Colossians 3:1-4
Andrew Grey, 13/11/2016
How Christians are enticed away from Christ - Colossians 2:16-23
Andrew Grey, 06/11/2016
Jesus, sin and shame - Colossians 2:13-15
Andrew Grey, 30/10/2016
Fulness in Christ - Colossians 2:8-15
Nick Jones, 23/10/2016
Keep on walking in Christ - Colossians 2:6-7
Andrew Grey, 16/10/2016
Struggling to preach Christ - Colossians 1:24-2:5
Gavin Wright, 09/10/2016
Now God's friends - Colossians 1:21-23
Gavin Wright, 02/10/2016
Christ supreme over all the powers - Colossians 1:15-20
Andrew Grey, 25/09/2016
If Jesus is everything what should I pray? - Colossians 1:9-14
Andrew Grey, 18/09/2016
Real Christians, real gospel? - Colossians 1:1-8
Andrew Grey, 11/09/2016
Persecuted, proclaiming, praying - Acts 4:5-31
Kevin Gilderson, 14/08/2016
Bible teaching, fierce wolves and the healthy church - Acts 20:17-38
Andrew Grey, 04/09/2016
Paul's commission: the Gospel to the Gentiles - Acts 9:1-31
Andrew Grey, 28/08/2016
To the ends of the earth - Acts 8:26-40
Mark Smithers, 21/08/2016
Jesus mission, our priorities - Acts 1:1-11
Gavin Wright, 07/08/2016
What does it mean to be "blessed" by God? - Genesis 12:1-6, Matthew 5:1-12, Ephesians 1:3
Andrew Grey, 31/07/2016
A world of pain and wickedness - Genesis 34:1-35:29
Andrew Grey, 24/07/2016
Why God makes us weak - Genesis 32:1-33:20
Andrew Grey, 17/07/2016
Fear and faith - Genesis 30:25-31:55
Andrew Grey, 10/07/2016
Going to heaven? Why Jesus invites outcasts - Luke 19:1-10
Andrew Grey, 03/07/2016
God's building project - Genesis 29:31-30:24
Andrew Grey, 26/06/2016
The hand of God, seen and unseen - Genesis 29:1-30
Gavin Wright, 19/06/2016
Grace to sinners: Jesus the ladder to heaven - Genesis 28:10-22
James Green, 12/06/2016
Going to heaven? Why Jesus won't invite the religious - Luke 18:15-27
Andrew Grey, 05/06/2016
Jacob and Esau: God is the hero! - Genesis 26:34-28:9
Gavin Wright, 29/05/2016
The God who chooses the undeserving - Genesis 25:19-26:34
Gavin Wright, 22/05/2016
Trusting God beyond the grave - Genesis 23:1-25:18
Gavin Wright, 15/05/2016
Heaven? Why Jesus won't invite the proud - Luke 18:9-14
Andrew Grey, 08/05/2016
God's plan for men & women: marriage & relationships - Gen. 1:27, 2:18-24, Eph. 5:21-33
Andrew Grey, 01/05/2016
God's plan for men and women: in the church - Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 Timothy 2:11-15
Andrew Grey, 24/04/2016
God's plan for men and women: equal but different - Gen 2:18, Gal 3:26-28, 1 Cor 11:3
Andrew Grey, 17/04/2016
God's plan for men and women: male and female he created them - Genesis 1:26-28
Andrew Grey, 10/04/2016
Costly sacrifice and total trust - Genesis 22:1-24
Andrew Grey, 27/03/2016
Considering God's faithfulness - even when mocked - Genesis 21:1-34
Mike Reith, 20/03/2016
Abimelech - on the same side as the blessed one - Genesis 20:1-18
Andrew Grey, 13/03/2016
Sodom and Gomorrah: judgement and mercy - Genesis 19:1-38
Gavin Wright, 06/03/2016
What difference does it make if Jesus loves me? - Ephesians 5:25-33
Andrew Grey, 28/02/2016
Abraham's intercession: the privilege and priority of prayer - Genesis 18:1-33
Gavin Wright,
Covenant: God promises himself, and commands total loyalty - Genesis 17:1-27
Gavin Wright, 14/02/2016
Staying faithful to the God who cares - Genesis 16:1-16
Andrew Grey, 07/02/2016
I can't see Jesus, why should I believe? - John 20:1-31
Andrew Grey, 31/01/2016
Doubt, faith and assurance
Andrew Grey, 24/01/2016
Abram: living by faith and not by might - Genesis 14:1-24
Andrew Grey, 17/01/2016
Abram: trusting God to give what we need - Genesis 13:1-18
Andrew Grey, 10/01/2016
God promised the Gospel to Abraham - Genesis 11:27-12:20
Andrew Grey, 03/01/2016
Walking in the light - 1 John 1:5-10
Gavin Wright, 27/12/2015
Christmas Day 2015 - Hebrews 2:14-18
Andrew Grey, 25/12/2015
Jesus - solid evidence and personal experience - 1 John 1:1-4
Gavin Wright, 20/12/2015
Would Jesus ruin or rescue your Christmas party? - John 2:1-11 (Carol service)
Andrew Grey, 19/12/2015
What would Jesus say about Islamic State?
Andrew Grey, 13/12/2015
Babel: pride, fear... and a gospel glimpse - Genesis 11:1-26
Andrew Grey, 06/12/2015
After the flood: God's sovereignty - Genesis 9:18-10:32
Andrew Grey, 29/11/2015
After the flood: God's faithfulness - Genesis 8:1-9:17
Andrew Grey, 22/11/2015
God's grief and God's grace - Genesis 6:5-7:24
Gavin Wright, 15/11/2015
The reign of sin and death - Genesis 5:1-6:5
Gavin Wright, 08/11/2015
The first murder - what sin does in us - Genesis 4:1-26
Andrew Grey, 01/11/2015
Sin and suffering in a fallen world - Genesis 3:7-24
Andrew Grey, 25/10/2015
Where does evil come from? - Genesis 3:1-6
Andrew Grey, 18/10/2015
God's plan for men and women - Genesis 2:18-25
Andrew Grey, 11/10/2015
Paradise... lost - Genesis 2:1-17
Andrew Grey, 04/10/2015
Humanity: made in God's image - Genesis 1:24-31
Andrew Grey, 27/09/2015
It's God's world: he made it - Genesis 1:1-23
Andrew Grey, 20/09/2015
Wholehearted love of neighbour - Proverbs 3:27-35
Andrew Grey, 13/09/2015
Wholehearted commitment to God - Proverbs 2:1-15
Andrew Grey, 06/09/2015
Friendship - Proverbs 17:17, 18:24, 26:6
Mark Smithers, 16/08/2015
Faithfulness in marriage - Proverbs 5:1-23
Gavin Wright, 30/08/2015
Parents and children - Proverbs 22:6
Gavin Wright, 23/08/2015
Wisdom and folly - Proverbs 1:1-19
Andrew Grey, 02/08/2015
Working together for Jesus - Romans 16:1-27
Andrew Grey, 26/07/2015
Partners in the worldwide gospel - Romans 15:14-33
Andrew Grey, 19/07/2015
Welcome one another, to the glory of God - Romans 15:1-13
Gavin Wright, 05/07/2015
Freedom, kingdom and conscience - Romans 14:13-23
Stephen Coney, 28/06/2015
Welcome one another - Romans 14:1-12
Gavin Wright, 21/06/2015
What about the hypocrisy of Christians?
Andrew Grey, 14/06/2015
Loving God by obeying the government - Romans 13:1-14
Gavin Wright, 07/06/2015
Humility, service and love - Romans 12:3-21
Mark Smithers, 31/05/2015
Total worship - Romans 12:1-2
Andrew Grey, 24/05/2015
How can a loving God send anyone to hell?
Andrew Grey, 17/05/2015
Overflowing grace
Andrew Grey, 10/05/2015
God's grace to surprising people
Andrew Grey, 03/05/2015
Is it OK not to believe?
Kevin Gilderson, 26/04/2015
The wrong way and the right way to righteousness
Andrew Grey, 19/04/2015
Non-belief and the sovereign God
Andrew Grey, 12/04/2015
Certain hope in spite of suffering
Gavin Wright, 22/03/2015
Assured in Jesus
Gavin Wright, 15/03/2015
Does God want to spoil my fun?
Andrew Grey, 08/03/2015
The reality of indwelling sin
Andrew Grey, 01/03/2015
The Christian and the Law
Andrew Grey, 22/02/2015
Does following Jesus mean giving up my freedom?
Andrew Grey, 08/02/2015
Willing slaves of Jesus
Andrew Grey, 01/02/2015
Dead to sin
Max Fenn, 25/01/2015
Adam versus Christ
Andrew Grey, 18/01/2015
How do I find peace with God?
Andrew Grey, 11/01/2015
Boasting in God
Andrew Grey, 04/01/2015
Church - why singing?
Gavin Wright, 14/12/2014
Church - why baptism?
Andrew Grey, 07/12/2014
Church - why the Lord's Supper?
Andrew Grey, 30/11/2014
Take God at his word
Gavin Wright, 23/11/2014
Trusting Christ, not boasting
Gavin Wright, 16/11/2014
How God can rightly make wrong people right
Gavin Wright, 09/11/2014
The resurrection in Psalm 22
James Green, 02/11/2014
The Cross in Psalm 22
Andrew Grey, 26/10/2014
Every mouth stopped
Andrew Grey, 19/10/2014
Religion or righteousness?
Andrew Grey, 12/10/2014
Repentant or self-righteous?
Andrew Grey, 05/10/2014
Suppressing the truth and its consequences
Andrew Grey, 28/09/2014
Jesus Christ our Lord
Andrew Grey, 21/09/2014
Giving gladly
Andrew Grey, 14/09/2014
Encourage one another daily
Andrew Grey, 07/09/2014
Our God is a missionary God
Gavin Wright, 31/08/2014
The loving kindness of the Lord
Andrew Grey, 10/08/2014
How God uses pain to bring about repentance
Andrew Grey, 03/08/2014
God the Trinity
Andrew Grey, 27/07/2014
Betrayed, in control and glorified
Andrew Grey, 20/07/2014
Cleansed and loved by Jesus
Andrew Grey, 13/07/2014
Explaining unbelief
Mark Smithers, 06/07/2014
Feeling the weight of the Cross
Andrew Grey, 29/06/2014
Rejection, salvation and devotion
Andrew Grey, 22/06/2014
Glorious resurrection
Max Fenn, 15/06/2014
Listening to Jesus - the heavenly gate and shepherd
Gavin Wright, 01/06/2014
Grace to do good in an ungodly world
Gavin Wright, 25/05/2014
Power for self control
Andy Liggins, 18/05/2014
Sound doctrine matters
Andrew Grey, 11/05/2014
Truth leads to godliness
Andrew Grey, 04/05/2014
Being a biblical parent
Andrew Grey, 27/04/2014
Easter Sunday - the unbeatable Jesus
Andrew Grey, 20/04/2014
You shall not covet
Gavin Wright, 13/04/2014
You shall not bear false testimony
Gavin Wright, 06/04/2014
You shall not steal
Gavin Wright, 30/03/2014
You shall not commit adultery - faithfulness in marriage
Andrew Grey, 23/03/2014
You shall not commit adultery
Andrew Grey, 16/03/2014
You shall not murder
Andrew Grey, 09/03/2014
Honour your father and your mother
Andrew Grey, 02/03/2014
Returning to a gracious Father
Gavin Wright, 23/02/2014
What does the Law of Moses have to do with me?
Andrew Grey, 09/02/2014
Sabbath rest
Andrew Grey, 02/02/2014
The Lord's name
Andrew Grey, 26/01/2014
No images for worship
Andrew Grey, 19/01/2014
No other gods
Andrew Grey, 12/01/2014
Remember Jesus Christ
David Banting, 05/01/2014
Why so downcast, O my soul?
Gavin Wright, 29/12/2013
Temptation - why do I keep giving in?
Andrew Grey, 21/12/2013
Jesus the man - why the incarnation
Andrew Grey, 15/12/2013
Jesus the man - empowered by the Spirit
Andy Liggins, 08/12/2013
Jesus the man - obedient unto death
Andy Liggins, 01/12/2013
Humility - the key to standing in God's grace
Andrew Grey, 24/11/2013
Costly war - sin, service and suffering
Andrew Grey, 17/11/2013
Suffering, sanctification and certainty
Andrew Grey, 10/11/2013
Beautiful strangers
Andrew Grey, 03/11/2013
The Cross: pierced for our transgressions
Andrew Grey, 27/10/2013
Living as elect exiles
Gavin Wright, 20/10/2013
New life and new purpose
Gavin Wright, 13/10/2013
Living as pilgrims
Gavin Wright, 06/10/2013
Hope, suffering and privileges
Gavin Wright, 29/09/2013
Strangers in the world
Andrew Grey, 22/09/2013
Money and giving
Andrew Grey, 15/09/2013
Membership - belonging to Immanuel
Andrew Grey, 08/09/2013
Mission - reaching out
Andrew Grey, 01/09/2013
Chris Taylor, 25/08/2013
Gavin Wright, 18/08/2013
Kevin Gilderson, 04/08/2013
Rehoboam: sovereignty and sin
Gavin Wright, 21/07/2013
Praying for protection
Andrew Grey, 14/07/2013
Praying for forgiveness
Andrew Grey, 07/07/2013
Praying for our needs
Andrew Grey, 30/06/2013
Praying for our Father's plans
Andrew Grey, 23/06/2013
Praying for our Father's fame
Andrew Grey, 16/06/2013
Praying as God's children
Andrew Grey, 09/06/2013
Jesus blinds and opens eyes
Gavin Wright, 02/06/2013
Slaves to sin
Jason Ward, 19/05/2013
Darkness, light and proof
Andrew Grey, 12/05/2013
Jesus offers overflowing life
Tim Wickham, 05/05/2013
The Church part 2 - Why does the church gather
Andrew Grey, 21/04/2013
The Church part 1 - What is the church
Andrew Grey, 14/04/2013
Scepticism and uncertainty
Tim Wickham, 07/04/2013
Suffering and hoping
Andrew Grey, 24/03/2013
Living as sons of God
Andrew Grey, 17/03/2013
Made new by God's Spirit
Andrew Grey, 10/03/2013
Right with God (though still a sinner)
Andrew Grey, 03/03/2013
Nowhere else to go but Jesus
Gavin Wright, 24/02/2013
Food That Satisfies
Gavin Wright, 17/02/2013
Christian Workers
Andrew Grey, 26/08/2012
Jesus, our rescuing God
Gavin Wright, 10/02/2013
Why doesn't everyone believe?
Tim Wickham, 03/02/2013
The work of Jesus through his words
Andrew Grey, 27/01/2013
So that all should honour Jesus
Andrew Grey, 20/01/2013
Jesus gives rest to the weary
Andrew Grey, 13/01/2013
Jesus, born to die
Chris Carrier, 16/12/2012
Final word, finished work
Gavin Wright, 09/12/2012
Jesus the Saviour of the world
Andrew Grey, 02/12/2012
Worshipping God rightly and wrongly
Andrew Grey, 25/11/2012
What God gives: living water
Andrew Grey, 18/11/2012
Why Jesus must be greatest
Andrew Grey, 11/11/2012
Jesus - God's love and God's light
Tim Wickham, 04/11/2012
God must make you new
Andrew Grey, 28/10/2012
Help! I can't praise God
Andrew Grey, 21/10/2012
Help! I'm disillusioned
Gavin Wright, 14/10/2012
Trusting in Jesus the judge
Andrew Grey, 30/09/2012
Jesus brings joy!
Andrew Grey, 23/09/2012
A Messiah worth following
Andrew Grey, 16/09/2012
God on Earth
Andrew Grey, 09/09/2012
The God of Grace
Gavin Wright, 19/08/2012
Jonah 3
Gavin Wright, 12/08/2012
Being real about ageing and dying
Andrew Grey, 22/07/2012
We’re not in control
Andrew Grey, 15/07/2012
Wisdom and work both end in death
Andrew Grey, 08/07/2012
Wisdom and pleasure will not satisfy
Andrew Grey, 01/07/2012
Is everything meaningless?
Andrew Grey, 24/06/2012
Good works cannot make us clean
Max Fenn, 17/06/2012
The promise of God’s presence
Mark Smithers, 10/06/2012
God's building project
Chris Carrier, 03/06/2012
Jesus the Lord of family
Andrew Grey, 27/05/2012
Jesus the Lord of marriage
Andrew Grey, 20/05/2012
Put on Christ’s clothes
Andrew Grey, 13/05/2012
Put off the old
Andrew Grey, 06/05/2012
Secure with Christ, so seek Christ
Andrew Grey, 29/04/2012
From mortal to immortal
Gavin Wright, 22/04/2012
Greatest enemy beaten
Gavin Wright, 15/04/2012
The most important thing
Gavin Wright, 01/04/2012
Don't give up your freedom
Andrew Grey, 18/03/2012
Freed and forgiven
Andrew Grey, 11/03/2012
Connected to Christ... cut off from sin
Andrew Grey, 04/03/2012
Start with Jesus... stick with Jesus
Andrew Grey, 26/02/2012
Riches worth suffering for
Andrew Grey, 19/02/2012
Friends with Christ the King
Andrew Grey, 12/02/2012
The supreme Christ
Andrew Grey, 05/02/2012
Transferred to Jesus' Kingdom
Andrew Grey, 29/01/2012
Continuing with Christ
Andrew Grey, 22/01/2012
Really Christian?
Andrew Grey, 15/01/2012