Come near and listen - Mark 4:1-25Andrew Grey, 16/02/2025 |
New Israel, New Family - Mark 3:7-35Andrew Grey, 09/02/2025 |
Mercy and joy with Jesus- Mark 2:18-3:6Gavin Wright, 02/02/2025 |
The one who cleans and forgives - Mark 1:40-2:17Gavin Wright, 26/01/2025 |
The authority of Jesus - Mark 1:14-39Gavin Wright, 19/01/2025 |
Our shepherd and our King - Mark 1:1-20Andrew Grey, 12/01/2025 |
Living like we don't need Jesus? - Revelation 3:14-22Will Trump, 05/01/2025 |
Happy with Jesus? - Luke 2:22-35Will Trump, 29/12/2024 |
Mighty God, come to save - All Age Carol Service Gavin Wright, 22/12/2024 |
He came to save his people: carol service messageAndrew Grey, 15/12/2024 |
The Return of Christ - Matthew 25:31-46Andrew Grey, 15/12/2024 |
Why the Virgin Birth?Andrew Grey, 08/12/2024 |
Covet, or content - Exodus 20:17Gavin Wright, 01/12/2024 |
Truth and lies - Exodus 20:16Gavin Wright, 24/11/2024 |
Work to give... don't steal - Exodus 20:15Gavin Wright, 17/11/2024 |
Honour marriage - Exodus 20:14Andrew Grey, 10/11/2024 |
Give life, hate murder - Exodus 20:13Andrew Grey, 03/11/2024 |
Family matters - Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16Andrew Grey, 27/10/2024 |
The Christian's sabbath - Exodus 20:8-11Andrew Grey, 20/10/2024 |
Bearing the Lord's name - Exodus 20:7Andrew Grey, 13/10/2024 |
In Christ - Colossians 3:1-4, 06/10/2024 |
Pure worship - Exodus 20:4-6Andrew Grey, 29/09/2024 |
No other gods - Exodus 20:3Andrew Grey, 22/09/2024 |
How wide and high is God's mercy - Acts 10:34-11:18Gavin Wright, 15/09/2024 |
Anyone is welcome - Acts 10:1-35Andrew Grey, 08/09/2024 |
God's plan for growth - Acts 9:32-43Rob Newham, 01/09/2024 |
Proclamation and persecution - Acts 9:19-31Mark Cooper, 25/08/2024 |
Chosen to serve - Acts 9:1-19Mark Smithers, 18/08/2024 |
An outsider is brought in -- Acts 8:26-40 Gavin Wright, 11/08/2024 |
Outcasts saved, Satan defeated - Acts 8:4-25Andrew Grey, 04/08/2024 |
Christ's witnesses - Acts 7:54-8:4, 28/07/2024 |
King among the kings - Daniel 11:36-12:13Andrew Grey, 21/07/2024 |
Refined by conflict - Daniel 11:2-35Andrew Grey, 14/07/2024 |
Greatest need, only saviour - Mark 2:1-17Andrew Grey, 07/07/2024 |
Weakness, strength and prayer - Daniel 10:1-21Gavin Wright, 30/06/2024 |
Faithfulness and prayer - Daniel 9:1-27Gavin Wright, 23/06/2024 |
The Lord of history - Daniel 8:1-27Andrew Grey, 16/06/2024 |
Who is the King and the Judge? - Daniel 7:1-28Dave Riisnaes, 09/06/2024 |
Seeking God... and the lions den - Daniel 6:1-28Andrew Grey, 02/06/2024 |
An unrepentant king destroyed - Daniel 5Andrew Grey, 26/05/2024 |
The meaning of baptism - Matthew 28:18-20Andrew Grey, 19/05/2024 |
A proud king, saved - Daniel 4:1-37Andrew Grey, 12/05/2024 |
Faithful unto death - Daniel 3:1-30Gavin Wright, 05/05/2024 |
The King of kings - Daniel 2:1-49Gavin Wright, 28/04/2024 |
Life in Babylon - Daniel 1:1-21Gavin Wright, 21/04/2024 |
Essentials: the glory of GodAndrew Grey, 14/04/2024 |
Essentials: FaithAndrew Grey, 07/04/2024 |
Essentials: GraceAndrew Grey, 31/03/2024 |
Essentials: ChristAndrew Grey, 24/03/2024 |
Essentials: the BibleAndrew Grey, 17/03/2024 |
Works of love - 1 Corinthians 16:1-24Andrew Grey, 10/03/2024 |
Victor over death - 1 Corinthians 15:50-58Gavin Wright, 03/03/2024 |
Resurrection body - 1 Corinthians 15:35-49Gavin Wright, 25/02/2024 |
God, why can't you make yourself more obvious?Will Trump, 18/02/2024 |
Joined to our risen Saviour - 1 Corinthians 15:20-34Gavin Wright, 11/02/2024 |
Christ really has been raised - 1 Corinthians 15:12-20Gavin Wright, 04/02/2024 |
Hold fast to the Gospel - 1 Corinthians 15:1-11Gavin Wright, 28/01/2024 |
Worship the pleases the Lord - 1 Corinthians 14:26-40Andrew Grey, 21/01/2024 |
Words of truth that bless the unbeliever - 1 Corinthians 14:20-25Andrew Grey, 14/01/2024 |
Words of love that edify - 1 Corinthians 14:1-19Andrew Grey, 07/01/2024 |
Don't be a fool - Luke 12:13-21Will Trump, 31/12/2023 |
How can we know God?Andrew Grey, 17/12/2023 |
Love that lasts - 1 Corinthians 13:7-13Gavin Wright, 10/12/2023 |
A church that loves - 1 Corinthians 13:1-7Gavin Wright, 03/12/2023 |
God's plan for the body - 1 Corinthians 12:27-31Andrew Grey, 26/11/2023 |
The body of Christ - 1 Corinthians 12:12-26Andrew Grey, 19/11/2023 |
God gives gifts for the church - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11Andrew Grey, 12/11/2023 |
The Spirit and the Christian - 1 Corinthians 12:1-3Andrew Grey, 05/11/2023 |
How should we eat and drink - 1 Corinthians 11:27-29Andrew Grey, 29/10/2023 |
The most beautiful place on earth - Acts 2:42-47Will Trump, 22/10/2023 |
Love and the Lord's Supper - 1 Corinthians 11:17-34Gavin Wright, 15/10/2023 |
Men and women who honour their head - 1 Corinthians 11:2-16Andrew Grey, 08/10/2023 |
Jesus the head of all - 1 Corinthians 11:2-3Andrew Grey, 01/10/2023 |
Remember Jesus Christ - 2 Timothy 2:8-13David Thomas, 24/09/2023 |
The church's worship: WHAT do we do?Andrew Grey, 17/09/2023 |
The church's worship: WHY do we gather?Andrew Grey, 10/09/2023 |
The church's worship: WHO should gather? Andrew Grey, 03/09/2023 |
Luke 5:33-39 Jesus, bringer of joyGavin Wright, 27/08/2023 |
Luke 5:27-32 Feasting with JesusMark Smithers, 20/08/2023 |
Luke 5:1-11 - Follow JesusWill Trump, 06/08/2023 |
Luke 5:12-26 - Our Greatest Problem Steve, 13/08/2023 |
Luke 4:31-44 Jesus' power and authorityAlan Witchalls, 30/07/2023 |
Luke 4:14-30 - Jesus preached the GospelAndrew Grey, 23/07/2023 |
Freedom and saying "no" - 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1Andrew Grey, 16/07/2023 |
Freedom and the demons - 1 Corinthians 10:14-22Andrew Grey, 09/07/2023 |
Freedom and temptation - 1 Corinthians 10:1-14Andrew Grey, 02/07/2023 |
Freedom and the Christian's prizeAndrew Grey, 25/06/2023 |
Freedom and evangelism - 1 Corinthians 9:19-23Andrew Grey, 18/06/2023 |
Freedom and slavery - 1 Corinthians 9:15-18Andrew Grey, 11/06/2023 |
Freedom and the apostle - 1 Corinthians 9:1-14Dave Riisnaes, 04/06/2023 |
Freedom and love - 1 Corinthians 8:1-13Andrew Grey, 28/05/2023 |
Remember, reign and restore - Lamentations 5Gavin Wright, 21/05/2023 |
Humbled in order to hope - Lamentations 4:1-22Gavin Wright, 14/05/2023 |
Remember mercy - Lamentations 3:1-66Gavin Wright, 07/05/2023 |
Wrath and anguish - Lamentations 2:1-22Gavin Wright, 30/04/2023 |
The weight of sin - Lamentations 1:1-22Gavin Wright, 23/04/2023 |
The Ascension of Christ - Acts 1:1-11Andrew Grey, 16/04/2023 |
Resurrection: glorious hope - Luke 24:36-53 Mark Smithers, 09/04/2023 |
Resurrection: knowing Jesus - Luke 24:13-35Steve, |
Resurrection: believe the Word! Luke 24:1-12Will Trump, 26/03/2023 |
Devoted to Christ - 1 Corinthians 7:25-40Andrew Grey, 19/03/2023 |
Content with God - 1 Corinthians 7:10-24Andrew Grey, 12/03/2023 |
Glorify God with your body - 1 Corinthians 7:1-9Andrew Grey, 05/03/2023 |
Your body matters - 1 Corinthians 6:12-20Andrew Grey, 26/02/2023 |
Words of the wise - Proverbs 26:17-27:6Gavin Wright, 19/02/2023 |
Words matter - Proverbs 12:12-23Gavin Wright, 12/02/2023 |
What some of you WERE - 1 Corinthians 6:9-11Andrew Grey, 05/02/2023 |
What do you do when Christians argue? - 1 Corinthians 6:1-8Gavin Wright, 29/01/2023 |
What do you do with sin in Jesus' church? - 1 Corinthians 5:1-13Rob Hudson, 22/01/2023 |
Assurance 2: What do I do when I'm not sure?Andrew Grey, 15/01/2023 |
Assurance 1: Why do Christians struggle for assurance?Andrew Grey, 08/01/2023 |
Jesus came to destroy the devil - 1 John 3:8Andrew Grey, 18/12/2022 |
Made God's children - John 1:11-12Andrew Grey, 11/12/2022 |
Jesus is coming back - 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, |
Walking the way of the Cross - 1 Corinthians 4:8-21Dave Riisnaes, 27/11/2022 |
Servants and stewards - 1 Corinthians 4:1-7Mark Smithers, 20/11/2022 |
Careful church building - 1 Corinthians 3:10-23Andrew Grey, 13/11/2022 |
Growing up - 1 Corinthians 3:1-9Andrew Grey, 06/11/2022 |
Pentecost: Jesus the Lord - Acts 2:22-41Will Trump, 30/10/2022 |
Pentecost: what happened? - Acts 2:1-21Will Trump, 23/10/2022 |
The Spirit at work - 1 Corinthians 2:6-16Andrew Grey, 16/10/2022 |
Strength in weakness - 1 Corinthians 2:1-5Andrew Grey, 09/10/2022 |
Pride and boasting - 1 Corinthians 1:26-31Andrew Grey, 02/10/2022 |
Foolish wisdom - 1 Corinthians 1:18-25Andrew Grey, 25/09/2022 |
United by the Gospel? - 1 Corinthians 1:10-17Andrew Grey, 18/09/2022 |
God's church in Corinth - 1 Corinthians 1:1-9Andrew Grey, 11/09/2022 |
Our kinsman redeemer - Ruth 4:1-22Malcolm Peters, 04/09/2022 |
A loving saviour - Ruth 3:1-18Malcolm Peters, 28/08/2022 |
The Sovereign Care of God - Ruth 2Malcolm Peters, 21/08/2022 |
Trusting God's sovereignty when life goes wrongMalcolm Peters, |
Come receive forgiveness - Psalm 32Andrew Grey, 07/08/2022 |
Come sing with Jesus - Psalm 145Andrew Grey, 31/07/2022 |
Come and praise Him - Psalm 95Andrew Grey, 24/07/2022 |
Following Jesus: Money and contentment - 1 Timothy 6:6-19Andrew Grey, 17/07/2022 |
Serving Christ at Work - Ephesians 6:5-9Matt Evans, 10/07/2022 |
God's heart for the lost - Jonah 4:1-11Gavin Wright, 03/07/2022 |
Repentance and mercy - Jonah 3:1-10Gavin Wright, 26/06/2022 |
Salvation belongs to the Lord - Jonah 2:1-10Gavin Wright, 19/06/2022 |
God's will WILL be done - Jonah 1:1-17Gavin Wright, 12/06/2022 |
How to glorify God in your body - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Romans 6:6-14Andrew Grey, 05/06/2022 |
Created to glorify God in your body - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20Andrew Grey, 29/05/2022 |
Trusting the King who's stronger than death and sin - Mark 5:21-43Mark Smithers, 22/05/2022 |
Trusting the King who's stronger than evil - Mark 5:1-20Will Trump, 15/05/2022 |
Trusting the King who commands every storm - Mark 4:35-41Alan Witchalls, 08/05/2022 |
The King we cry to - Psalm 25Andrew Grey, 01/05/2022 |
The Holy King - Psalm 24Andrew Grey, 24/04/2022 |
The Shepherd King - Psalm 23Gavin Wright, 17/04/2022 |
The Forsaken King - Psalm 22Gavin Wright, 10/04/2022 |
Following Jesus: Evangelism - Colossians 4:2-6Andrew Grey, 03/04/2022 |
Following Jesus: Guidance and decisions - Matthew 6:25-34Andrew Grey, 27/03/2022 |
Following Jesus: Growth - Luke 10:38-42Andrew Grey, 20/03/2022 |
Following Jesus: Holiness - Hebrews 11:24-27Andrew Grey, 13/03/2022 |
A humble church beneath God's hand - 1 Peter 5:1-14Will Trump, 06/03/2022 |
Entrust yourself to the Lord - 1 Peter 4vv1-19Dave Riisnaes, 27/02/2022 |
Suffering for Jesus - 1 Peter 3:8-22Andrew Grey, 20/02/2022 |
Husbands, wives and the Cross - 1 Peter 2:21-3:7Andrew Grey, 13/02/2022 |
Godly exiles: authority and submission - 1 Peter 2:9-25Gavin Wright, 06/02/2022 |
New love, new calling - 1 Peter 1:22-2:10Andrew Grey, 30/01/2022 |
Filling your mind - 1 Peter 1:13-21Andrew Grey, 23/01/2022 |
A blessed people - 1 Peter 1:3-12Gavin Wright, 16/01/2022 |
Chosen strangers - 1 Peter 1:1-2Andrew Grey, 09/01/2022 |
Son of God - Luke 2:40-52Steve, 02/01/2022 |
Seeing the Saviour - Luke 2:21-39Steve, 26/12/2021 |
The Lord remembers - Luke 1:57-80Gavin Wright, 12/12/2021 |
I will magnify the Lord - Luke 1:39-56Gavin Wright, 05/12/2021 |
Christmas faithfulness - Luke 1:1-38Andrew Grey, 28/11/2021 |
Covenant blessings and curses - Leviticus 26:1-27:34Dave Riisnaes, 21/11/2021 |
Leviticus question timeAndrew Grey, 14/11/2021 |
Holiness: meeting with the Lord - Leviticus 23:1-25:55Andrew Grey, 14/11/2021 |
Holiness: like the Lord - Leviticus 17:1-22:33Andrew Grey, 07/11/2021 |
Day of atonement - Leviticus 16:1-34Gavin Wright, 31/10/2021 |
The body and the blood - Leviticus 12:1-15:33Andrew Grey, 24/10/2021 |
Devoted to the Lord: learning from the animals - Leviticus 11:1-47Andrew Grey, 17/10/2021 |
Our God is a consuming fire - Leviticus 10:1-20Andrew Grey, 10/10/2021 |
Joy and awe in worship - Leviticus 9:1-24Andrew Grey, 03/10/2021 |
James 1:13-18Andrew Bellis, 26/09/2021 |
Basics 3: FamilyGavin Wright, 19/09/2021 |
Basics 2: PrayerAndrew, |
Basics 1: Evangelism - Haggai 1Malcolm Peters, 05/09/2021 |
Kept from stumbling - Jude 1:17-25David Khoo, 29/08/2021 |
Contend for the faith - Jude 1:1-16James Green, 22/08/2021 |
3 John - no greater joyAndrew Grey, 15/08/2021 |
2 John - truth and loveMark Cooper, 08/08/2021 |
Philemon - brotherly loveAndrew Grey, 01/08/2021 |
Our representative before God - Leviticus 8:1-36Dave Riisnaes, 25/07/2021 |
The Ultimate Payback - Leviticus 5:14 - 6:7Gavin Wright, |
The purification offering - Leviticus 4:1 - 5:13Andrew Grey, |
Come and eat - Leviticus 3:1-17Andrew Grey, 27/06/2021 |
Bring a gift - Leviticus 2:1-16Andrew Grey, 20/06/2021 |
Ascending to God - Leviticus 1:1-17Andrew Grey, 13/06/2021 |
God's house - Leviticus 1:1-2Andrew Grey, |
Love the church - 1 John 3:11-18Gavin Wright, 30/05/2021 |
Love the Lord - Deuteronomy 6:1-9Gavin Wright, 23/05/2021 |
Lead us not into temptation - Matthew 6:13Malcolm Peters, 16/05/2021 |
Forgive us our debts, as we forgive - Matthew 6:12Andrew Grey, 09/05/2021 |
Give us today our daily bread - Matthew 6:11Gavin Wright, 02/05/2021 |
Your kingdom, your will - Matthew 6:10Gavin Wright, 25/04/2021 |
Hallowed by your name - Matthew 6:9bAndrew Grey, 18/04/2021 |
Our Father - Matthew 6:9Andrew Grey, 11/04/2021 |
Certain resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15:1-19Gavin Wright, 04/04/2021 |
He will get us home - Genesis 49:28-50:26Steve, 28/03/2021 |
The shepherd of our lives - Genesis 48:1-49:28Will Trump, 21/03/2021 |
At home with the Lord - Genesis 46:28-47:31.mp3Andrew Grey, 14/03/2021 |
Our greatest need - Mark 2:1-12Mark Smithers, |
Content with the Lord's presence - Genesis 45:16-46:27Andrew Grey, 28/02/2021 |
Growing and showing holiness - Genesis 44:1-45:15Andrew Grey, 21/02/2021 |
God at work in our hearts and our history - Genesis 42-43Rob Hudson, 14/02/2021 |
Faithful and fruitful in affliction - Genesis 40-41Gavin Wright, 07/02/2021 |
God's providence and presence - Genesis 39:1-23Gavin Wright, 31/01/2021 |
Judah's sin - Genesis 38:1-30Gavin Wright, 24/01/2021 |
You intended to harm me - Genesis 37:1-36Gavin Wright, 17/01/2021 |
Esau: marriage and greed - Genesis 36:1-43Andrew Grey, 10/01/2021 |
Trained for holiness - Hebrews 12:3-17James Green, 03/01/2021 |
Looking to Jesus - Hebrews 12:1-2Carl Porter, 27/12/2020 |
Jesus came, to serve and to die - Mark 10:45Gavin Wright, 20/12/2020 |
Jesus came, to destroy the works of the devil - 1 John 3:8Andrew Grey, 13/12/2020 |
Providence: Question timeAndrew Grey, 06/12/2020 |
Providence 6: Comfort for the fearful - Luke 12:22-34Andrew Grey, 06/12/2020 |
Providence 5: God's purpose in afflictions - 1 Peter 1:3-7Andrew Grey, 29/11/2020 |
Providence 4: Suffering and repentance - Luke 13:1-5Andrew Grey, 22/11/2020 |
Providence 3: Our afflictions - Job 1:1-22Andrew Grey, 15/11/2020 |
Providence 2: Our hearts - John 3:7-8Andrew Grey, 08/11/2020 |
Providence 1: All things - Ephesians 1:11Andrew Grey, 01/11/2020 |
Go make disciples - Matthew 28:16-20Alan Witchalls, 25/10/2020 |
Resurrection reassurance - Matthew 27:57-28:15 Mike Walton, 18/10/2020 |
The victory of the Cross - Matthew 27:27-56Gavin Wright, 11/10/2020 |
The innocent and the guilty - Matthew 27:1-26Gavin Wright, 04/10/2020 |
Jesus in charge - Matthew 26: 47-75 Gavin Wright, 27/09/2020 |
Perfect Obedience - Matthew 26:30-46Gavin Wright, 20/09/2020 |
The Cross and the Covenant - Matthew 26:17-29Andrew Grey, 13/09/2020 |
The precious death of Jesus - Matthew 26:1-16Andrew Grey, 06/09/2020 |
Return to the Lord - fear and serve Him now - Malachi 3:13-4:6Malcolm Peters, 30/08/2020 |
Return to the Lord - and he will return to you - Malachi 3:6-12Gavin Wright, 23/08/2020 |
Return to the Lord - who is coming purify and to judge - Malachi 2:17-3:5Dave Riisnaes, 16/08/2020 |
Return to the Lord - worship Him in your relationships - Malachi 2:10-16James Green, 09/08/2020 |
Return to the Lord - who desires a faithful priesthood - Malachi 2:1-9Mark Smithers, 02/08/2020 |
Return to the Lord - whose name is to be feared - Malachi 1:6-14Will Trump, 26/07/2020 |
Return to the Lord - who has chosen to love you - Malachi 1:1-5Andrew Grey, 19/07/2020 |
Jesus' words of welcome and warning - Matthew 25:31-46Andrew Grey, 12/07/2020 |
Jesus' words about being ready - Matthew 24:45-25:30Andrew Grey, 05/07/2020 |
Jesus words about that Day of Judgement - Matthew 24:36-44Andrew Grey, 28/06/2020 |
Jesus words about the End of the Temple - Matthew 24:3-35Andrew Grey, 21/06/2020 |
Hypocrisy and the judgement of God - Matthew 23:13-24:2Gavin Wright, 14/06/2020 |
Hypocrisy and the glory of God - Matthew 23:1-12Gavin Wright, 07/06/2020 |
Questions about love - Matthew 22:15-46Gavin Wright, 31/05/2020 |
The wedding feast - Matthew 22:1-14Andrew Grey, 24/05/2020 |
The fruit that Jesus seeks - Matthew 21:23-46Gavin Wright, 17/05/2020 |
King and judge - Matthew 21:1-22Andrew Grey, 10/05/2020 |
Serving saviour, serving followers - Matthew 20:17-34Rob Hudson, 03/05/2020 |
How Jesus treats his servants - Matthew 20:1-16Andrew Grey, 26/04/2020 |
Our help in ages past - Psalm 90Gavin Wright, 19/04/2020 |
Resurrection challenge & hope - Luke 24:36-49Gavin Wright, 12/04/2020 |
Salvation made possible - Matthew 19:16-30Gavin Wright, 05/04/2020 |
Denying self in marriage - Matthew 19:1-15Andrew Grey, 29/03/2020 |
Jesus' church: overflowing forgiveness - Matthew 18:21-35Andrew Grey, 22/03/2020 |
Jesus' church: love that disciplines - Matthew 18:15-20Andrew Grey, 15/03/2020 |
Jesus' church: humility and love - Matthew 18:1-14Andrew Grey, 08/03/2020 |
Jesus the sufficient saviour - Matthew 17:14-27Gavin Wright, 01/03/2020 |
The glorious authority of Jesus - Matthew 17:1-13Andrew Grey, 23/02/2020 |
No Christian without a Cross - Matthew 16:21-28James Green, 16/02/2020 |
Who do YOU say Jesus is? Matthew 16:1-20David Riisnaes, |
Salvation that satisfies - Matthew 15:21-39Andrew Grey, 02/02/2020 |
Clean my heart: I cannot save myself - Matthew 15:10-20Andrew Grey, 26/01/2020 |
Clean my heart: I want to love your law - Matthew 15:1-9Andrew Grey, 19/01/2020 |
Rescuing the weak in faith - Matthew 14:13-36Gavin Wright, 12/01/2020 |
Evidence and repentance - Matthew 13:53-14:13Gavin Wright, 05/01/2020 |
New year hope: For He is our God - Psalm 95Andrew Grey, 29/12/2019 |
Carol Service: Children of God - John 1:11-12 Andrew Grey, 22/12/2019 |
Church: mission - Psalm 67Gavin Wright, 22/12/2019 |
All Age Carols: Jesus makes God known - 1 John 1:1-4Gavin Wright, 15/12/2019 |
Church: membership - 1 Corinthians 12:12-31Andrew Grey, 08/12/2019 |
Church: giving and money - 2 Corinthians 8:1-15Andrew Grey, 01/12/2019 |
Going to war with Christ - Ephesians 6:10-24Andrew Grey, 24/11/2019 |
Serving Christ at home and work - Ephesians 6:1-9Alan Witchalls, 17/11/2019 |
Displaying Christ in marriage - Ephesians 5:21-33Gavin Wright, 10/11/2019 |
Walking with Jesus in a dark world - Ephesians 5:3-20Andrew Grey, 03/11/2019 |
Knowing Jesus, growing in holiness - Ephesians 4:17-5:2Mike Walton, 27/10/2019 |
Church united - Ephesians 4:1-16Gavin Wright, 20/10/2019 |
Praying for power in the church - Ephesians 3:14-21Gavin Wright, 13/10/2019 |
God's grace revealed to the church - Ephesians 3:1-13Gavin Wright, 06/10/2019 |
Jesus' united church - Ephesians 2:11-22Andrew Grey, 29/09/2019 |
Salvation and certainty - Ephesians 2:1-10Andrew Grey, 22/09/2019 |
Knowing God - Ephesians 1:15-23Andrew Grey, 15/09/2019 |
Secure in Christ - Ephesians 1:1-14Andrew Grey, 08/09/2019 |
What difference does it make if Jesus loves me? - Ephesians 5:25-33Andrew Grey, 01/09/2019 |
Gideon: sinful comprise - Judges 8:1-35Gavin Wright, 25/08/2019 |
The Saving Grace of a Mighty God - Judges 7Mark Cooper, 18/08/2019 |
Obeying God - Judges 6:25-40 Kevin Gilderson, 11/08/2019 |
Gideon: holiness and grace - Judges 6:1-24James Green, 04/08/2019 |
Treasuring the King - Matthew 13:44-52Mark Smithers, 28/07/2019 |
What should we expect in the kingdom of God - Matthew 13:24-43Andrew Grey, 21/07/2019 |
The word of the kingdom: hearing and sowing - Matthew 13:1-23Will Trump, 14/07/2019 |
Rejecting and following Jesus: the consequences - Matthew 12:38-50Andrew Grey, 07/07/2019 |
Confessing faith in the King - Matthew 12:22-37Dave Riisnaes, |
Man-made religion and the gracious saviour of the weak - Matthew 12:1-21Andrew Grey, 23/06/2019 |
Unbearable judgement or perfect rest - Matthew 11:20-30Andrew Grey, 16/06/2019 |
The kingdom: advancing and opposed - Matthew 11:1-19Andrew Grey, 09/06/2019 |
Suffering with Jesus, for Jesus - Matthew 10:24-42Andrew Grey, 02/06/2019 |
Sheep among wolves - Matthew 10:1-23Andrew Grey, 26/05/2019 |
The power and compassion of the King - Matthew 9:18-34Gavin Wright, 19/05/2019 |
Forgiveness and joy through the king - Matthew 9:1-17Gavin Wright, 12/05/2019 |
Your life and death in Jesus' hands - Matthew 8:18-34Gavin Wright, 05/05/2019 |
King over death and sin - Matthew 8:1-17Andrew Grey, 28/04/2019 |
Easter Sunday - Acts 17:16-34Andrew Grey, 21/04/2019 |
Good Friday - Isaiah 52:13-53:12Andrew Grey, 19/04/2019 |
Two paths, two teachers, two foundations - one choice - Matthew 7:12-29Gavin Wright, 14/04/2019 |
Showing and seeking God's grace - Matthew 7:1-11James Green, 07/04/2019 |
Seeking and serving our Father - Matthew 6:19-34Andrew Grey, 31/03/2019 |
Giving, praying, fasting - Matthew 6:1-18Andrew Grey, 24/03/2019 |
Gathered worship: WHAT are we to do?Andrew Grey, 17/03/2019 |
Gathered worship: WHY do we go to church?Andrew Grey, 10/03/2019 |
Gathered worship: WHO should be there?Gavin Wright, 03/03/2019 |
Relationships in the kingdom: truth, peace and love - Matthew 5:33-48Andrew Grey, 24/02/2019 |
Keeping God's Law - Matthew 5:17-32Gavin Wright, 17/02/2019 |
The Blessed Life - Matthew 5:1-17Alan Witchalls, 10/02/2019 |
The wonderful rule of King Jesus - Matthew 4:12-25Andrew Grey, 03/02/2019 |
The mercy and obedience of Christ - Matthew 3:13-4:11Andrew Grey, 27/01/2019 |
Repenting to Jesus - Matthew 3:1-12Andrew Grey, 20/01/2019 |
Worshipping and obeying the Christ - Matthew 1:18-2:23Gavin Wright, 13/01/2019 |
The faithfulness that provides God's king - Matthew 1:1-17Gavin Wright, 06/01/2019 |
New Year Hope - Luke 2:22-32Abe Samuel, 30/12/2018 |
Christmas Morning - Luke 1:26-38Andrew Grey, 25/12/2018 |
Carol Service - Mark 10:45Gavin Wright, 23/12/2018 |
All Age Carols - Matthew 1:23Andrew Grey, 23/12/2018 |
Rescue and remembering - Esther 8:1-10:3Gavin Wright, 16/12/2018 |
The Lord's faithful, unseen hand - Esther 5:1-8:2James Green, 09/12/2018 |
Risk-taking faith in a trustworthy God - Esther 4William Trump, 02/12/2018 |
The hatred of the world - Esther 3:1-15Gavin Wright, 25/11/2018 |
Weak Christians and Powerful Kings - Esther 1:1-2:23Gavin Wright, 18/11/2018 |
So follow the Lamb - Revelation 22:6-21Andrew Grey, 11/11/2018 |
Jesus and His people - Revelation 21:1-22:5Andrew Grey, 04/11/2018 |
The victory of the church - Revelation 20:1-15Andrew Grey, 28/10/2018 |
Christ the Victor - Revelation 19:11-21Andrew Grey, 21/10/2018 |
Looking forward to the marriage of the Lamb - Revelation 19:6-10Andrew Grey, 14/10/2018 |
Rejoice! The world city defeated - Revelation 18:1-19:6Matthew Roberts, 07/10/2018 |
Compromise: pressure and seduction - Revelation 17:1-18Lee McMunn, 30/09/2018 |
The final judgement - Revelation 15:5-16:21Gavin Wright, 23/09/2018 |
Final judgement: a call to keep going - Revelation 14:6-15:4Andrew Grey, 16/09/2018 |
Satan's beasts and the church's safety - Revelation 13:1-14:5Andrew Grey, 09/09/2018 |
Satan the dragon - Revelation 12:1-17Andrew Grey, 02/09/2018 |
Praying for others - Psalm 67Abe Samuel, 26/08/2018 |
Praying for pardon and peace - Psalm 86Kevin Gilderson, 19/08/2018 |
Thankful Prayer - Psalm 92David Khoo, 12/08/2018 |
Confessing Sin - Psalm 51Carl Porter, 05/08/2018 |
Praying in adoration - Psalm 104James Green, 29/07/2018 |
Christ's kingdom and judgement - Revelation 11:15-19Andrew Grey, 22/07/2018 |
The story of the church - Revelation 10:1-11:14Andrew Grey, 15/07/2018 |
The world: under God's judgement now - Revelation 8:6-9:21Andrew Grey, 08/07/2018 |
The church: protected and worshipping- Revelation 7:1-8:5Andrew Grey, 01/07/2018 |
Waiting for God's judgement - Revelation 6:1-17Andrew Grey, 24/06/2018 |
Worthy is the Lamb - Revelation 5:1-14Chris Carrier, 17/06/2018 |
Worshipping at the throne - Revelation 4:1-11Andrew Grey, 10/06/2018 |
A church which trusts in itself - Revelation 3:14-22Mark Smithers, 03/06/2018 |
A church that's weak but faithful - Revelation 3:7-13Gavin Wright, 27/05/2018 |
A church that's impressive but dying - Revelation 3:1-6Andrew Brooks, 20/05/2018 |
A church that tolerated sin - Revelation 2:18-29Gavin Wright, 13/05/2018 |
A church that's polluted - Revelation 2:12-17Andrew Grey, 06/05/2018 |
A church that's faithful unto death - Revelation 2:8-11Andrew Grey, 29/04/2018 |
A church that loves Jesus - Revelation 2:1-7Andrew Grey, 22/04/2018 |
The risen and returning Jesus - Revelation 1:1-20Gavin Wright, 15/04/2018 |
Resurrection hope - 1 Corinthians 15:12-26Gavin Wright, 15/04/2018 |
Make disciples - Matthew 28:16-20Andrew Grey, 01/04/2018 |
Ageing, dying and trusting Christ - Ecclesiastes 12:1-14Matt Evans, 25/03/2018 |
Trusting God with time - Ecclesiastes 3:1-17Andrew Grey, 18/03/2018 |
Why does work hurt? - Ecclesiastes 2:18-26Andrew Grey, 11/03/2018 |
Wisdom, pleasure and death - Ecclesiastes 1:16-2:17Andrew Grey, 04/03/2018 |
Why vanity? - Ecclesiastes 1:12-15Gavin Wright, 25/02/2018 |
Life in a world of vanity - Ecclesiastes 1:1-11Gavin Wright, 18/02/2018 |
The Gospel: Conversion - John 2:23-3:6Gavin Wright, 11/02/2018 |
The Gospel: Jesus' resurrection - Acts 17vv16-34Andrew Grey, 04/02/2018 |
The Gospel: the Cross of Christ - John 3:16Wes Illingworth, 28/01/2018 |
The Gospel: God is our holy judge - Luke 16:19-31Gavin Wright, 21/01/2018 |
The Gospel: we are all sinful - Romans 3:10-12Andrew Grey, 14/01/2018 |
The Gospel: we are creatures - Revelation 4:11Gavin Wright, 07/01/2018 |
Satan and the Saviour - Revelation 12:1-12Andrew Grey, 31/12/2017 |
Christmas Day - Philippians 2:9-11Gavin Wright, 25/12/2017 |
The waters of God's Spirit - Ezekiel 47:1-12Andrew Grey, 24/12/2017 |
King Herod lives within! Carol service talk - Matthew 2:1-20Andrew Grey, 17/12/2017 |
The walls of God's holiness - Ezekiel 43:1-12Andrew Grey, 17/12/2017 |
Death and resurrection - Ezekiel 37:1-14Chris Carrier, 10/12/2017 |
Saved by the true shepherd - Ezekiel 34:1-31Gavin Wright, 03/12/2017 |
Coming judgement: it's right and real - Ezekiel 24:15-27Andrew Grey, 26/11/2017 |
God's love for spiritual adulterers - Ezekiel 16:1-63Andrew Grey, 19/11/2017 |
New hearts: what God does inside his people - Ezekiel 11:14-25Andrew Grey, 12/11/2017 |
When God abandons his people - Ezekiel 10:1-20, 11:1-13Andrew Grey, 05/11/2017 |
The Lord is a jealous God - Ezekiel 8:1-9:11Gavin Wright, 29/10/2017 |
God's judgement and Christ's Cross - Ezekiel 5:5-17Gavin Wright, 22/10/2017 |
Should we fear God's judgement? - Ezekiel 3:22-5:4Gavin Wright, 15/10/2017 |
Commissioned by a glorious God - Ezekiel 2:1-3:21David Thomas, 08/10/2017 |
Seeing the glory of God - Ezekiel 1:1-28Andrew Grey, 01/10/2017 |
Committed: to Loving one another - Acts 2:42-47Andrew Grey, 24/09/2017 |
Committed: to Church - 1 Corinthians 12:12-31Andrew Grey, 17/09/2017 |
Committed: to the Bible - Ephesians 4:11-16Andrew Grey, 10/09/2017 |
Committed: to Jesus - Mark 8:27-38Andrew Grey, 03/09/2017 |
When faced with terrible evil - Psalm 137Gavin Wright, 27/08/2017 |
When the darkness doesn't lift - Psalm 88Chris Carrier, 20/08/2017 |
Lamenting when the church is hurting - Psalm 80Abe Samuel, 13/08/2017 |
The joy of honest confession - Psalm 32Andrew Grey, 06/08/2017 |
Learning to lament - Psalm 6Andrew Brooks, 30/07/2017 |
Loyalty and betrayal - 2 Timothy 4:9-22Andrew Grey, 23/07/2017 |
Preach the Word - 2 Timothy 4:1-8Gavin Wright, 16/07/2017 |
The Bible works - 2 Timothy 3:10-17Gavin Wright, 09/07/2017 |
Ministry in difficult times - 2 Timothy 3:1-9Andrew Grey, 02/07/2017 |
The approved and useful workman - 2 Timothy 2:14-26Andrew Grey, 25/06/2017 |
Gospel suffering and gospel glory - 2 Timothy 2:1-13Kevin Gilderson, 18/06/2017 |
Suffer for the Gospel - 2 Timothy 1:8-18Matt Evans, 11/06/2017 |
Resurrection life - 2 Timothy 1:1-7Gavin Wright, 04/06/2017 |
Reforming the church - God's glory alone - Exodus 33:7-34:9Andrew Grey, 28/05/2017 |
Reforming the church - Faith Alone - Romans 4:19-25, 6:1-4Andrew Grey, 21/05/2017 |
Reforming the church - Grace Alone - Ephesians 2:1-10Andrew Grey, 14/05/2017 |
Reforming the church - Christ Alone - Ephesians 1:1-14Andrew Grey, 07/05/2017 |
Reforming the church - Scripture Alone - Mark 7:1-23Andrew Grey, 30/04/2017 |
Love Jesus, feed his sheep - John 21:1-25Andrew Grey, 23/04/2017 |
Jesus raised - John 20:1-31Andrew Grey, 16/04/2017 |
Jesus killed - John 19:17-42Gary Clark, 09/04/2017 |
Jesus on trial - John 18:28-19:16David Banting, 02/04/2017 |
Jesus in control of his arrest - John 18:1-27Gavin Wright, 26/03/2017 |
Real Christian Unity - John 17:20-26Gavin Wright, 19/03/2017 |
Jesus prays for his glory, and his people's keeping - John 17:1-19Gavin Wright, 12/03/2017 |
How Jesus comforts his people - John 16:16-33Rob Hudson, 05/03/2017 |
God's Mission Impossible - Acts 9:1-19Mike Reith, 26/02/2017 |
Why it's good that Jesus went away - John 16:4b-15Gavin Wright, 19/02/2017 |
Jesus's friends expect to be hated - John 15:18 - 16:4Gavin Wright, 12/02/2017 |
God's people becoming fruitful - John 15:1-17David Banting, 05/02/2017 |
Our Comforting God - John 14:15-31Abe Samuel, 29/01/2017 |
Is Jesus really the only way to God?Gavin Wright, 22/01/2017 |
Jesus's moment of glory - John 13:31 - 14:4Gavin Wright, 15/01/2017 |
How Jesus loves his people - John 13 v1-30Gavin Wright, 08/01/2017 |
How will I continue with Jesus in 2017 - Hebrews 10:19-25Andrew Grey, 01/01/2017 |
Hope at Christmas - Isaiah 40:1-5Gavin Wright, 25/12/2016 |
He'll save his people from their sins - Genesis 3:1-6Andrew Grey, 18/12/2016 |
Darkness and death at Christmas - Isaiah 9:1-7Andrew Grey, 18/12/2016 |
Living for Jesus among outsiders - Colossians 4:2-6Gavin Wright, 11/12/2016 |
Jesus the Lord of marriage, family and work - Colossians 3:17-4:1Gavin Wright, 04/12/2016 |
Killing sin, putting on Christ - Colossians 3:5-17Andrew Grey, 27/11/2016 |
If you're there God can't you make yourself clearer? - John 1:1-18Andrew Grey, 20/11/2016 |
How do I grow as a Christian? - Colossians 3:1-4Andrew Grey, 13/11/2016 |
How Christians are enticed away from Christ - Colossians 2:16-23Andrew Grey, 06/11/2016 |
Jesus, sin and shame - Colossians 2:13-15Andrew Grey, 30/10/2016 |
Fulness in Christ - Colossians 2:8-15Nick Jones, 23/10/2016 |
Keep on walking in Christ - Colossians 2:6-7Andrew Grey, 16/10/2016 |
Struggling to preach Christ - Colossians 1:24-2:5Gavin Wright, 09/10/2016 |
Now God's friends - Colossians 1:21-23Gavin Wright, 02/10/2016 |
Christ supreme over all the powers - Colossians 1:15-20Andrew Grey, 25/09/2016 |
If Jesus is everything what should I pray? - Colossians 1:9-14Andrew Grey, 18/09/2016 |
Real Christians, real gospel? - Colossians 1:1-8Andrew Grey, 11/09/2016 |
Persecuted, proclaiming, praying - Acts 4:5-31Kevin Gilderson, 14/08/2016 |
Bible teaching, fierce wolves and the healthy church - Acts 20:17-38Andrew Grey, 04/09/2016 |
Paul's commission: the Gospel to the Gentiles - Acts 9:1-31Andrew Grey, 28/08/2016 |
To the ends of the earth - Acts 8:26-40Mark Smithers, 21/08/2016 |
Jesus mission, our priorities - Acts 1:1-11Gavin Wright, 07/08/2016 |
What does it mean to be "blessed" by God? - Genesis 12:1-6, Matthew 5:1-12, Ephesians 1:3Andrew Grey, 31/07/2016 |
A world of pain and wickedness - Genesis 34:1-35:29Andrew Grey, 24/07/2016 |
Why God makes us weak - Genesis 32:1-33:20Andrew Grey, 17/07/2016 |
Fear and faith - Genesis 30:25-31:55Andrew Grey, 10/07/2016 |
Going to heaven? Why Jesus invites outcasts - Luke 19:1-10Andrew Grey, 03/07/2016 |
God's building project - Genesis 29:31-30:24Andrew Grey, 26/06/2016 |
The hand of God, seen and unseen - Genesis 29:1-30Gavin Wright, 19/06/2016 |
Grace to sinners: Jesus the ladder to heaven - Genesis 28:10-22James Green, 12/06/2016 |
Going to heaven? Why Jesus won't invite the religious - Luke 18:15-27Andrew Grey, 05/06/2016 |
Jacob and Esau: God is the hero! - Genesis 26:34-28:9Gavin Wright, 29/05/2016 |
The God who chooses the undeserving - Genesis 25:19-26:34Gavin Wright, 22/05/2016 |
Trusting God beyond the grave - Genesis 23:1-25:18Gavin Wright, 15/05/2016 |
Heaven? Why Jesus won't invite the proud - Luke 18:9-14Andrew Grey, 08/05/2016 |
God's plan for men & women: marriage & relationships - Gen. 1:27, 2:18-24, Eph. 5:21-33Andrew Grey, 01/05/2016 |
God's plan for men and women: in the church - Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 Timothy 2:11-15Andrew Grey, 24/04/2016 |
God's plan for men and women: equal but different - Gen 2:18, Gal 3:26-28, 1 Cor 11:3Andrew Grey, 17/04/2016 |
God's plan for men and women: male and female he created them - Genesis 1:26-28Andrew Grey, 10/04/2016 |
Costly sacrifice and total trust - Genesis 22:1-24Andrew Grey, 27/03/2016 |
Considering God's faithfulness - even when mocked - Genesis 21:1-34Mike Reith, 20/03/2016 |
Abimelech - on the same side as the blessed one - Genesis 20:1-18Andrew Grey, 13/03/2016 |
Sodom and Gomorrah: judgement and mercy - Genesis 19:1-38Gavin Wright, 06/03/2016 |
What difference does it make if Jesus loves me? - Ephesians 5:25-33Andrew Grey, 28/02/2016 |
Abraham's intercession: the privilege and priority of prayer - Genesis 18:1-33Gavin Wright, |
Covenant: God promises himself, and commands total loyalty - Genesis 17:1-27Gavin Wright, 14/02/2016 |
Staying faithful to the God who cares - Genesis 16:1-16Andrew Grey, 07/02/2016 |
I can't see Jesus, why should I believe? - John 20:1-31Andrew Grey, 31/01/2016 |
Doubt, faith and assuranceAndrew Grey, 24/01/2016 |
Abram: living by faith and not by might - Genesis 14:1-24Andrew Grey, 17/01/2016 |
Abram: trusting God to give what we need - Genesis 13:1-18Andrew Grey, 10/01/2016 |
God promised the Gospel to Abraham - Genesis 11:27-12:20Andrew Grey, 03/01/2016 |
Walking in the light - 1 John 1:5-10Gavin Wright, 27/12/2015 |
Christmas Day 2015 - Hebrews 2:14-18Andrew Grey, 25/12/2015 |
Jesus - solid evidence and personal experience - 1 John 1:1-4Gavin Wright, 20/12/2015 |
Would Jesus ruin or rescue your Christmas party? - John 2:1-11 (Carol service)Andrew Grey, 19/12/2015 |
What would Jesus say about Islamic State?Andrew Grey, 13/12/2015 |
Babel: pride, fear... and a gospel glimpse - Genesis 11:1-26Andrew Grey, 06/12/2015 |
After the flood: God's sovereignty - Genesis 9:18-10:32Andrew Grey, 29/11/2015 |
After the flood: God's faithfulness - Genesis 8:1-9:17Andrew Grey, 22/11/2015 |
God's grief and God's grace - Genesis 6:5-7:24Gavin Wright, 15/11/2015 |
The reign of sin and death - Genesis 5:1-6:5Gavin Wright, 08/11/2015 |
The first murder - what sin does in us - Genesis 4:1-26Andrew Grey, 01/11/2015 |
Sin and suffering in a fallen world - Genesis 3:7-24Andrew Grey, 25/10/2015 |
Where does evil come from? - Genesis 3:1-6Andrew Grey, 18/10/2015 |
God's plan for men and women - Genesis 2:18-25Andrew Grey, 11/10/2015 |
Paradise... lost - Genesis 2:1-17Andrew Grey, 04/10/2015 |
Humanity: made in God's image - Genesis 1:24-31Andrew Grey, 27/09/2015 |
It's God's world: he made it - Genesis 1:1-23Andrew Grey, 20/09/2015 |
Wholehearted love of neighbour - Proverbs 3:27-35Andrew Grey, 13/09/2015 |
Wholehearted commitment to God - Proverbs 2:1-15Andrew Grey, 06/09/2015 |
Friendship - Proverbs 17:17, 18:24, 26:6Mark Smithers, 16/08/2015 |
Faithfulness in marriage - Proverbs 5:1-23Gavin Wright, 30/08/2015 |
Parents and children - Proverbs 22:6Gavin Wright, 23/08/2015 |
Wisdom and folly - Proverbs 1:1-19Andrew Grey, 02/08/2015 |
Working together for Jesus - Romans 16:1-27Andrew Grey, 26/07/2015 |
Partners in the worldwide gospel - Romans 15:14-33Andrew Grey, 19/07/2015 |
Welcome one another, to the glory of God - Romans 15:1-13Gavin Wright, 05/07/2015 |
Freedom, kingdom and conscience - Romans 14:13-23Stephen Coney, 28/06/2015 |
Welcome one another - Romans 14:1-12Gavin Wright, 21/06/2015 |
What about the hypocrisy of Christians?Andrew Grey, 14/06/2015 |
Loving God by obeying the government - Romans 13:1-14Gavin Wright, 07/06/2015 |
Humility, service and love - Romans 12:3-21Mark Smithers, 31/05/2015 |
Total worship - Romans 12:1-2Andrew Grey, 24/05/2015 |
How can a loving God send anyone to hell?Andrew Grey, 17/05/2015 |
Overflowing graceAndrew Grey, 10/05/2015 |
God's grace to surprising peopleAndrew Grey, 03/05/2015 |
Is it OK not to believe?Kevin Gilderson, 26/04/2015 |
The wrong way and the right way to righteousnessAndrew Grey, 19/04/2015 |
Non-belief and the sovereign GodAndrew Grey, 12/04/2015 |
Certain hope in spite of sufferingGavin Wright, 22/03/2015 |
Assured in JesusGavin Wright, 15/03/2015 |
Does God want to spoil my fun?Andrew Grey, 08/03/2015 |
The reality of indwelling sinAndrew Grey, 01/03/2015 |
The Christian and the LawAndrew Grey, 22/02/2015 |
Does following Jesus mean giving up my freedom?Andrew Grey, 08/02/2015 |
Willing slaves of JesusAndrew Grey, 01/02/2015 |
Dead to sinMax Fenn, 25/01/2015 |
Adam versus ChristAndrew Grey, 18/01/2015 |
How do I find peace with God?Andrew Grey, 11/01/2015 |
Boasting in GodAndrew Grey, 04/01/2015 |
Church - why singing?Gavin Wright, 14/12/2014 |
Church - why baptism?Andrew Grey, 07/12/2014 |
Church - why the Lord's Supper?Andrew Grey, 30/11/2014 |
Take God at his wordGavin Wright, 23/11/2014 |
Trusting Christ, not boastingGavin Wright, 16/11/2014 |
How God can rightly make wrong people rightGavin Wright, 09/11/2014 |
The resurrection in Psalm 22James Green, 02/11/2014 |
The Cross in Psalm 22Andrew Grey, 26/10/2014 |
Every mouth stoppedAndrew Grey, 19/10/2014 |
Religion or righteousness?Andrew Grey, 12/10/2014 |
Repentant or self-righteous?Andrew Grey, 05/10/2014 |
Suppressing the truth and its consequencesAndrew Grey, 28/09/2014 |
Jesus Christ our LordAndrew Grey, 21/09/2014 |
Giving gladlyAndrew Grey, 14/09/2014 |
Encourage one another dailyAndrew Grey, 07/09/2014 |
Our God is a missionary GodGavin Wright, 31/08/2014 |
The loving kindness of the LordAndrew Grey, 10/08/2014 |
How God uses pain to bring about repentanceAndrew Grey, 03/08/2014 |
God the TrinityAndrew Grey, 27/07/2014 |
Betrayed, in control and glorifiedAndrew Grey, 20/07/2014 |
Cleansed and loved by JesusAndrew Grey, 13/07/2014 |
Explaining unbeliefMark Smithers, 06/07/2014 |
Feeling the weight of the CrossAndrew Grey, 29/06/2014 |
Rejection, salvation and devotionAndrew Grey, 22/06/2014 |
Glorious resurrectionMax Fenn, 15/06/2014 |
Listening to Jesus - the heavenly gate and shepherdGavin Wright, 01/06/2014 |
Grace to do good in an ungodly worldGavin Wright, 25/05/2014 |
Power for self controlAndy Liggins, 18/05/2014 |
Sound doctrine mattersAndrew Grey, 11/05/2014 |
Truth leads to godlinessAndrew Grey, 04/05/2014 |
Being a biblical parentAndrew Grey, 27/04/2014 |
Easter Sunday - the unbeatable JesusAndrew Grey, 20/04/2014 |
You shall not covetGavin Wright, 13/04/2014 |
You shall not bear false testimonyGavin Wright, 06/04/2014 |
You shall not stealGavin Wright, 30/03/2014 |
You shall not commit adultery - faithfulness in marriageAndrew Grey, 23/03/2014 |
You shall not commit adulteryAndrew Grey, 16/03/2014 |
You shall not murderAndrew Grey, 09/03/2014 |
Honour your father and your motherAndrew Grey, 02/03/2014 |
Returning to a gracious FatherGavin Wright, 23/02/2014 |
What does the Law of Moses have to do with me?Andrew Grey, 09/02/2014 |
Sabbath restAndrew Grey, 02/02/2014 |
The Lord's nameAndrew Grey, 26/01/2014 |
No images for worshipAndrew Grey, 19/01/2014 |
No other godsAndrew Grey, 12/01/2014 |
Remember Jesus ChristDavid Banting, 05/01/2014 |
Why so downcast, O my soul?Gavin Wright, 29/12/2013 |
Temptation - why do I keep giving in?Andrew Grey, 21/12/2013 |
Jesus the man - why the incarnationAndrew Grey, 15/12/2013 |
Jesus the man - empowered by the SpiritAndy Liggins, 08/12/2013 |
Jesus the man - obedient unto deathAndy Liggins, 01/12/2013 |
Humility - the key to standing in God's graceAndrew Grey, 24/11/2013 |
Costly war - sin, service and sufferingAndrew Grey, 17/11/2013 |
Suffering, sanctification and certaintyAndrew Grey, 10/11/2013 |
Beautiful strangersAndrew Grey, 03/11/2013 |
The Cross: pierced for our transgressionsAndrew Grey, 27/10/2013 |
Living as elect exilesGavin Wright, 20/10/2013 |
New life and new purposeGavin Wright, 13/10/2013 |
Living as pilgrimsGavin Wright, 06/10/2013 |
Hope, suffering and privilegesGavin Wright, 29/09/2013 |
Strangers in the worldAndrew Grey, 22/09/2013 |
Money and givingAndrew Grey, 15/09/2013 |
Membership - belonging to ImmanuelAndrew Grey, 08/09/2013 |
Mission - reaching outAndrew Grey, 01/09/2013 |
Josiah Chris Taylor, 25/08/2013 |
ManassehGavin Wright, 18/08/2013 |
JehoshaphatKevin Gilderson, 04/08/2013 |
Rehoboam: sovereignty and sinGavin Wright, 21/07/2013 |
Praying for protectionAndrew Grey, 14/07/2013 |
Praying for forgivenessAndrew Grey, 07/07/2013 |
Praying for our needsAndrew Grey, 30/06/2013 |
Praying for our Father's plansAndrew Grey, 23/06/2013 |
Praying for our Father's fameAndrew Grey, 16/06/2013 |
Praying as God's childrenAndrew Grey, 09/06/2013 |
Jesus blinds and opens eyesGavin Wright, 02/06/2013 |
Slaves to sinJason Ward, 19/05/2013 |
Darkness, light and proofAndrew Grey, 12/05/2013 |
Jesus offers overflowing lifeTim Wickham, 05/05/2013 |
The Church part 2 - Why does the church gatherAndrew Grey, 21/04/2013 |
The Church part 1 - What is the churchAndrew Grey, 14/04/2013 |
Scepticism and uncertaintyTim Wickham, 07/04/2013 |
Suffering and hopingAndrew Grey, 24/03/2013 |
Living as sons of GodAndrew Grey, 17/03/2013 |
Made new by God's SpiritAndrew Grey, 10/03/2013 |
Right with God (though still a sinner)Andrew Grey, 03/03/2013 |
Nowhere else to go but JesusGavin Wright, 24/02/2013 |
Food That SatisfiesGavin Wright, 17/02/2013 |
Christian WorkersAndrew Grey, 26/08/2012 |
Jesus, our rescuing God Gavin Wright, 10/02/2013 |
Why doesn't everyone believe? Tim Wickham, 03/02/2013 |
The work of Jesus through his words Andrew Grey, 27/01/2013 |
So that all should honour Jesus Andrew Grey, 20/01/2013 |
Jesus gives rest to the weary Andrew Grey, 13/01/2013 |
Jesus, born to die Chris Carrier, 16/12/2012 |
Final word, finished work Gavin Wright, 09/12/2012 |
Jesus the Saviour of the world Andrew Grey, 02/12/2012 |
Worshipping God rightly and wrongly Andrew Grey, 25/11/2012 |
What God gives: living water Andrew Grey, 18/11/2012 |
Why Jesus must be greatest Andrew Grey, 11/11/2012 |
Jesus - God's love and God's light Tim Wickham, 04/11/2012 |
God must make you new Andrew Grey, 28/10/2012 |
Help! I can't praise God Andrew Grey, 21/10/2012 |
Help! I'm disillusioned Gavin Wright, 14/10/2012 |
Trusting in Jesus the judgeAndrew Grey, 30/09/2012 |
Jesus brings joy!Andrew Grey, 23/09/2012 |
A Messiah worth followingAndrew Grey, 16/09/2012 |
God on EarthAndrew Grey, 09/09/2012 |
The God of GraceGavin Wright, 19/08/2012 |
Jonah 3Gavin Wright, 12/08/2012 |
Being real about ageing and dyingAndrew Grey, 22/07/2012 |
We’re not in controlAndrew Grey, 15/07/2012 |
Wisdom and work both end in deathAndrew Grey, 08/07/2012 |
Wisdom and pleasure will not satisfyAndrew Grey, 01/07/2012 |
Is everything meaningless?Andrew Grey, 24/06/2012 |
Good works cannot make us cleanMax Fenn, 17/06/2012 |
The promise of God’s presenceMark Smithers, 10/06/2012 |
God's building projectChris Carrier, 03/06/2012 |
Jesus the Lord of familyAndrew Grey, 27/05/2012 |
Jesus the Lord of marriageAndrew Grey, 20/05/2012 |
Put on Christ’s clothesAndrew Grey, 13/05/2012 |
Put off the oldAndrew Grey, 06/05/2012 |
Secure with Christ, so seek ChristAndrew Grey, 29/04/2012 |
From mortal to immortalGavin Wright, 22/04/2012 |
Greatest enemy beatenGavin Wright, 15/04/2012 |
The most important thingGavin Wright, 01/04/2012 |
Don't give up your freedomAndrew Grey, 18/03/2012 |
Freed and forgivenAndrew Grey, 11/03/2012 |
Connected to Christ... cut off from sinAndrew Grey, 04/03/2012 |
Start with Jesus... stick with JesusAndrew Grey, 26/02/2012 |
Riches worth suffering forAndrew Grey, 19/02/2012 |
Friends with Christ the KingAndrew Grey, 12/02/2012 |
The supreme ChristAndrew Grey, 05/02/2012 |
Transferred to Jesus' KingdomAndrew Grey, 29/01/2012 |
Continuing with ChristAndrew Grey, 22/01/2012 |
Really Christian?Andrew Grey, 15/01/2012 |